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Tristan's POV

They all look around terrified as Mr Roger's pulls the tape off their mouth one by one they all look around the room and then all look towards me

"now you little shits apologize and i might kill you less painfully" Mr Rogers says all but Sam start pleading and apologizing to me i had waited so long for them to apologize but its not enough they left me with bruises cuts and made me self harm at this point an apologize wasn't good enough to me "oh shut up" he says and they all shut up and look at him.

"that fag deserved everything he got" Sam says before Mr Rogers held his gun to the boys head the fear formed in his eyes as he looked over at me for help but i didnt care

"cover your ears kid" Mr Rogers says as he looks at me i do as told and put my hands over my ears he pulled the trigger the blood splattered the walls and the sound of the gun echoed around the room Jenna screamed as his dead body fell on her i removed my hands from my ears and Mr Rogers walks over to me "you had the chance to run away why didnt you?" he asks and i just look up at him to be honest i really dont know why i didnt run when i could run away from here from him it didnt really cross my mind to run away i guess i didnt feel like i needed to

"i-i dont k-know" i said to him as he unlocks the door

"go to your room and eat" he says i nod and walk out of the room into the office i took a moment to look around "you little shits will get what you deserve" he said as i heard another gun shot i jumped at the sound and thought it would be better to go to the room that i guess is now mine and on the side was the food i asked the nice lady for i start eating it right away god it tasted so good soon after i had finished there was a light knock at the door and the nice lady walks in and takes my plate away

"is there anything else you would like?" she asks with a smile

"a drink would be nice. A coke if you have any but water will be fine" i say and she nods before leaving and shortly coming back handing me a coke "t-thank you" i say before she leaves i lay in the bed and get comfy in the covers i place my drink on the side and i stair up at the ceiling

What a weird day

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