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Winds beating at the clouds, waves crashing up on shores, seagulls crying, hedgehogs and foxes flying planes. Yea, you read that right- you're not insane. The two friends, (Sonic and Tails) are testing the limits of the Tornado, after adding many new upgrades. Flying over an un mapped archipelago- using the lack of life to fully test the unsaid limits. (Tails)-"First test, CIB- Chaos Imbued Boosters. Using Chaos Energy, this will enhance the energy capacity, allowing the Tornado to use massive amounts of energy with no restraints! Phew, that was a mouthfull. 'Said the word 'energy' to much.." The fox sighs, then Sonic replies with "Well then, lets see what these new boosters can do!" He said while tightly gripping on to his seat. Tails then proceeds to activate CIB, instantly reaching speeds of 360+ MPH. (Sonic)-"YEA!!" Sonic was rather jubilant, Tails on the other hand was dizzy, their head spinning. They decelerate, then coming to a stop, hovering a vast sea. (Sonic)-"Why'd we stop?" (Tails)-"Dizzy.." They said, head still spinning. Sonic climbed out of his seat and made his way to the wing, standing on it. Looking out to the many islands surrouding them, he spotted one with a mechanical structure on one of them. Intruiged, he suggested they stop there and take a break. 

                                                             𝘼𝙛𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙖 𝙨𝙝𝙤𝙧𝙩 𝙡𝙖𝙣𝙙𝙞𝙣𝙜

They landed near a plain, devoid of trees or any foliage for that matter. After landing, they set up picnic in a forest, placing down coolers, baskets filled with snacks and whatnot. (Tails)-"Now this is a life I can get used to" They said as they sipped away at a Capri-Sun. (Sonic)-"Agreed" replied Sonic as he closed the cooler. (Tails)-"So, why this island" His view on Sonic. (Sonic)-"Well, I saw a structure on the island. Figured why not check it out, plus- Eggman could have something to do with it." (Tails)-"We'll investigate right after this. Right now, we kick back and eat to our hearts content." Tails kicked up his feet and laid his head down.                

                                                                𝙍𝙚𝙡𝙖𝙭𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣 𝙤𝙫𝙚𝙧

After burning through the food, Tails packed up everything as Sonic looked over a cliff- searching for any Badniks. Tails returned to Sonic's position, looking over the cliff as well (Tails)-"Thanks for the assistance" He said sarcastically- but smiling faintly (Sonic)-"No problem" He looked down at Tails, smirking with the intent to rub it in. (Sonic)-"Anyway, lets get to investigating" Sonic jumped off the cliff, Tails following along. The two speed through the forest. At first, everything seemed fine, untouched by anyone, until they came along the structure Sonic was talking about.  It seemed to be an abandoned Eggman research facility, hidden by foliage. Rust and vines washing over it. (Sonic)-"Whaddya think buddy?" He said as he examined the exterior. Tails took out a device, scanning the remaining walls. (Tails)"My data here says that the oxidizing process of the exterior has been going on for a while- so it was probably abandoned many years ago." Sonic's  suspicion grew, what could possibly been done here- and abandoned for years. An answer to the question our heroes will get. But not now, we've given these two enough screen time. Lets see what's up with our dark, brooding guest

                                                          𝐍𝐞𝐱𝐭 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞: 𝐑𝟑𝐃 𝐌𝟒𝟓𝐤

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