BLUEMING House Episode 2

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BLUEMING House Episode 2


(What is HANNY doing on this chilly afternoon. Photo shoot for a magazine)
(HANNY's 1st photo shoot for new year)
(It can't be... Is it really HANNY we know?)

Photographer: Please turn a bit.

(#2022 #New Release Pretty HANNY #Come with HANNY)
(Her beauty makes the person in front of her look bad. That's odd.)

Hanny: I'm going to take all of my sweats.

(In her sweats says everything that she wants.)
(Each shot must be saved.)

Hanny: This is HANNY TV.

Joori: Oh, really?

Hanny: Today... My concept is "natural". It's not made-up HANNY. Okay.

(I'm not made-up HANNY.)

Hanny: I feel drowsy. I'm sleepy. I was told that today's concept was feeling of drowsiness and I'm really sleepy now.

(#Her Face Selfish #Is It Real #Style Is All About Face)
(HANNY from the photo shoot)

Hanny: What is this? This is my first time seeing it too. This is... It's me. I posed barefoot. Look at my feet at work.

(HANNY's 2nd photo shoot)

Cameraman: You have long legs. Great!


Hanny: My shoes were this high. I'm so embarrassed.

(You are embarrassing me. Compliment me more.)
(For the birth of the long legs)

Hanny: Since it's HANNY TV, I feel more attached.

(2nd photo shoot. She looks professional. She poses in front of the camera like a pro.)

(#Blue Park HANNY #Goddess #Great)
(Wearing the heels, she looks like 2 meters tall.)

Minjae: That's long. Her legs are something else.

(Taking a shot)
(#This Is The Photo Booth #Photo With Brown Giant)

Hanny: This is it.

(This girl loves fur too.)
(My brown fur is the best - TEDDY)
(Night has come to Blueming House)

Hanny: Is the chicken here? Chicken?

(Girl are eating chicken at this time of night?)
Hanny: I have to confess something.

(I'm not sure if we're ready for that.)

Hanny: I want to have some chicken skewers.

(I want to have some chicken skewers.)

Byunho: What kind of confession is that?

Hanny: I really want to have some chicken skewers. I need to have some chicken skewers. They don't sell chicken skewers! I'm hungry. I at least want some chicken.
Hanny: It looks so good.

(One crispy bite)

Hanny: This is really good.

(Chicken is today's scene stealer.)
(#When It Snows #Chicken Instead of Chicken Skewers #In Whichever Form #Chicken Is Always Right)
(I'm glad that I confessed.)

Hanny: Should I decorated the house for tomorrow?

(A house warming party prepared by HANNY?)
Hanny: I wanted to have some sort of house warming party with fans, the BLUEMING. But we're not able to invite everyone over, so...
(This is why HANNY prepared the online house party. HANNY's online house party announcement)
(Online house warming live broadcasting. I will see you soon!)
(#HANNY Were You Waiting? #Let's Meet Now)

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