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~Elodie's Point Of View~

     Elodie's screen flickered on in a bout of static, her antennas swiveling around for a moment before she remembered where she was right now. The Maddene House. The sisters, Agnus and Margaret, had been kind and welcoming enough to let in creatures who just didn't quite fit in with everyday society.

     Elodie glanced over to her roommate, Dophie, who was happily fingerpainting on her side of the room. Dophie was a flowerhead, the middle of her flower a smiley face and rainbow petals sprouting around and framing the yellow center.  She was always dressed in patchy overalls and a maroon sweater. Elodie thought she had no sense of fashion.

     "Morning, Dophie."

     "Good morning, Elodie." Dophie's voice was high pitched and childish; Elodie had been annoyed at first, but eventually grew used to the girl.

     "I'm going for breakfast."  Elodie said. Dophie went back to fingerpainting, without paying Elodie much mind. 

     Elodie proceeded down the stairs of the old, victorian styled house. The air outside the sanctum was foggy and moist. Elodie hated fog. Fog hated Elodie. She shook her head and went to the breakfast buffet. Placing some usb drives on her plate, she walked lazily to the closest table. Elodie carefully inserted the usb drives into a port below her screen. Scrumptious.

     The Tv Head rose from her table and walked over to an open window, where a lone Eyehead sat, staring out over the foggy green.

     "There is something deliciously, scrumptiously bleak about fog, isn't there?" The Eyehead spoke.

     "I don't enjoy it." Elodie replied. The Eyehead slumped.

     "My name is Iyori. What's yours?"


     "Well, Elodie, I don't think you give fog the right amount of appreciation." At this statement of opinion, Elodie pushed away from the windowsill and left Iyori contemplating existence. Elodie walked to her favorite place, where she sat for hours and listened to static buzz. This was the Radio Room.

     The Maddene House consisted of many random rooms. There was one room where if you stared at a wall for too long, the wall would stare back. The Radio Room was a small room lined floor to ceiling with radios. Elodie had asked to sleep in there when she first came, but the Sisters Maddene wouldn't hear of it. Elodie resorted to loading pillows into the room and lazing her day away next to the endless static, letting it flow through her antennae and fill her head.

~Dophie's Point Of View~


     Dophie finished her masterpiece with one final swoop of her finger. She set it out to dry while she went to clean her messy hands. The child walked past tacked up paintings and posters that littered the walls, and thought to herself,  I really am a modern day Picasso.

      After all the remaining paint had rushed down the drain, Dophie decided to paint a mural somewhere. The Maddenes said it was okay as long as she was making the mansion more colorful, so she loaded her paints into her duffle and set off to find a room with a big enough walk to paint a mural on.

     As she walked through the halls, she was greeted with shouts of "Hey Dophie!" And, "How's it goin' Doph?" To these she merely waved and walked past with an air of importance. When she finally found the perfect space, (she had chosen a wall next to the stairs) she opened her bag and started painting. She dipped her fingers into the pigmented syrup and drew intricate designs upon her canvas. She decided it was going too slowly, so she began yanking full buckets of paint out of her bag and throwing fireworks of color onto the wall.
     When she was done, she signed her name at the bottom and cleared away the collateral damage left by her abstract escapade. Dophie skipped away to find a new canvas, deciding that she wanted to use up her old paints today.

A/N: Sorry this is a really short installment. I don't have many ideas right now, lol. I'll give an art dump of how the characters look very soon. Thanks for reading!

  Word count: 692

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