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Sanemi and Giyuu have both been working at the same school for a while now. Giyuu being the gym teacher and Sanemi being the math teacher

They both have been cathing feelings for eachother slowly so Sanemi tells Kanae his best friend what he has been feeling about Giyuu

Sanemi: so what do you think Kanae?
Kanae: oh Sanemi you're a man in love!

Rengoku the history teacher over heard on the conversation

Rengoku: who's in love?!

With Rengokus loud voice all of the teachers heard him except Giyuu. He was in the Gym with students practicing sports after school

Tengen: who is?!
Gyomei: I don't think it's appropriate to talk about someone's love life right now Uzui
Tengen: don't be so boring himejima!
Kanae: settle down and get back to work!

Everyone listens to Kanae because they have seen her lose control of her temper and it's not pretty

Kanae: sorry Sanemi...
Sanemi: it's alright Kanae just please don't shout again...

Giyuu walks into the room and grabs his things to leave

Rengoku: are you leaving early Tomioka?!
Giyuu: uh yes I am...
Rengoku: well then see you tommorow!

Everybody waved goodbye to Giyuu except Sanemi

A few hours go by

Kanae: I'll see you all tommorow!
Rengoku: same to you as well Kocho drive safe everyone!

The remaining teachers leave the school Kanae and Sanemi walk back to their cars together

Kanae: so Sanemi what made you catch feelings for Tomioka?
Sanemi: I don't really know I think it's by being able to get to know him more probably
Kanae: well it's always good to know some things about your significant other!
Sanemi: we aren't dating Kanae...
Kanae: not yet at least!

Sanemi is a little embarrassed by this which makes Kanae laugh

Kanae: well I'll see you tommorow Sanemi!
Sanemi: yeah bye Kanae...

Sanemi gets into his car not being able to take his mind off of what Kanae said

Sanemis thoughts: get a hold of yourself

Sanemi drives home still thinking about what Kanae said

Sanemis thoughts: fuck it

Sanemi gets home and goes straight into his room and sets a reminder on his phone for him to talk to Giyuu tommorow when the kids leave

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