Chapter 1 | The scream

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"Goodbye, honey! I hope you like the house." My mom said with a smile. "I will, mom. The reviews said it was a good neighborhood, the neighbors were good and respectful people. So, I think I'll love it." I started to turn my van on then behind my mom, I saw the door fly open and my little brother come running out screaming "Danny! Wait!" I was confused why I didn't see my two little sisters come running out with him. "Danny, I'm going to miss you." When he said that I almost broke down crying because I wasn't going to see my little brother grow up to be a man. "I'm going to miss you too, Jake. Hey, where are your sisters?" "They went to sleep." I kind of figured they would be asleep because they never really sleep during the night. "Hey, because I'm moving away. I'm going to need you to be the man of the house, okay?" I smiled "Okay, I will! wait, does that mean I'm a man now?" I giggled. "No, Jake, it doesn't. But, I'm going to need you to take care of your mom and your sisters." "I will. I promise." I opened the door and pulled him in for a hug. "I love you, Jake. Be good. "I love you too."

I closed the door then I looked back at my mom and I notice she was tearing up a little. "Mom, Are you okay? What's wrong?" I began to worry because she wasn't really the type to cry. She began to wipe her tears away like she wasn't crying. "Yeah, Yeah I'm okay I'm just going to miss you and I'm going to be scared without another adult in the house. Because without you and your dad not being here It's going to be hard." "Hey, it will be fine because you got Linda and Tommy next door if you need anything. Plus, Dad is watching over you in heaven." When I said that she began to smile and stop crying. "You're right. Well, You better go before it gets dark. I love you be careful!" "I will, mom. Bye!"

After an hour of driving to the new house I was moving to, I finally arrived. When I got out of the van I started to feel like I was being watched. Like in a horror movie when the main character starts feeling like they are being watched by something. I just brushed it off and ignored it thinking it was just my mind playing tricks with me. While I was opening the back doors to my van to get my boxes. I heard a women's voice behind me saying "Hello, Are you moving into the neighborhood?" I turned around to see a girl that seemed to be in her mid or late 20s, she seemed about 5'2, she had black hair, she wore black spandex, black and white tennis shoes, and wore a black and white striped line crop top shirt. I replied confusingly "yeah, I'm moving into this house." I thought she was just going to welcome me into the neighborhood, but then her facial expression changed to shock and she seemed worried.

She began to whisper but yell at the same time "Listen, this neighborhood is not what you think it is!" I became confused and worried. I then replied, "Why what's wrong with this place?" I mean the neighborhood looked normal. Even the real-estate agent said that the place was good and the neighbors were respectful. So why would she say that? "Trust me, this place is not what you think it is. I just moved here a week ago and since I moved here something is not right with this place. The neighbors act strange, I always feel like I'm being watched, people have no emotion like they aren't human, I keep catching someone staring from the sidewalk and looking into my house. So please, I beg you, sir. Do not live here! leave! I'm moving out of this place today." She began to turn around and fast walk back to her house. After she said all of that I started to get worried and scared but just told myself she was probably crazy or just trying to scare me off. living here. I began to unload my stuff. I was glad that the house was already furnished so I didn't have to bring that much stuff except the things I needed and wanted.

After a couple of hours, I finally got done putting my stuff up and decorating. I looked to see what time it was and it was 9:34 PM. So I decided just to sit down on the couch in the living room and watch TV till I was tired. While I was watching TV I kept on thinking about that lady that told me that I shouldn't live here. I tried to ignore it but what if she was right? I did feel like I was being watched when I got out of my van.

I started to drift off to sleep till then I got interrupted by a scream outside. I figured it was probably just kids playing games outside. A couple of seconds later I got startled by a loud blood-curdling scream. I jumped up and rushed outside on the porch. I was looking around till I got notice the creepy lady's room from across the streets second-floor room lights were flickering off and on. I started to run towards her house then I stopped right in the middle of the street to be frozen in fear. I saw a big tall figure walk up towards the window and stare at me. I then turned around and dashed back to my house to call the cops. What the fuck did I just witness? What was that thing?

After a couple of minutes, the cops got to her house. I went outside and went to go to talk to the cops about what I saw. When I walked over there I was scared to see them bring out a body bag on a stretcher. I walked up to one of the cops and told them I was the one that called. "Are you a friend or family of hers?" I went to speak but I was so confused and scared that I was stuttering"N- N- No, Sir, I'm not. W- What happened to her?" the police sighed "How do you know her?" "I don't really know her." I just moved here today and she walked up to me when i arrived here telling me that I shouldn't live here and that there is something strange with this neighborhood." I started to believe her when she said this neighborhood was strange because what was that thing I saw in her window? "Don't worry about that. She's diagnosed with Schizophrenia." I was confused because how did they know she haves that? "How do you know that?" "she has a dog tag necklace to let people know she has Schizophrenia. We're sorry if she crept you out" but there is no way what happened was her being paranoid from schizophrenia because of what I saw in her window. "How did she die?" "She was strangled to death" When he said that time felt like it froze because did that thing kill her?

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