The Birthday Party

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The street was crowded as I pushed through waves of people, carrying myself with grace and elegance through the heat. Summer was at its peak, which meant many tourists on top of just the citizens that lived here were wandering about. Taxi's honked, the street smelled stiff and full of gasoline, but I didn't mind since this was home. To my left, a small cafe that Claire and I frequented often appeared between the bobs of people and I pushed my way through the flow of traffic.

The small tinkling of the bell was drowned out as Claire shrieked towards me, having already arrived. Her slender hand that matched her thin body was raised in the air with a large grin plastered across her face. We couldn't be more opposite in looks. She had blonde hair, golden and yellow like straw blazing in the sun and her eyes were a bright green. Her lips were thin but wide while mine were plump and full. My eyes were large but almond shaped while hers were large and round.

However, we both had similar set cheekbones with dimples when we smiled which was the one thing I was so grateful to see this afternoon. We ordered a coffee and salads before finding a small table next to the window that bordered the busy street. I took a long sip of my hot drink and watched the people casually passing by; wondering if maybe someone out there had dreams that kept them awake such as I.

"Tomorrow you need to be ready to go around nine in the evening." Claire's high voice pulled me away from the window. "Wear something slutty." She finished and I rolled my eyes.

"Why would I do that? What's tomorrow?"

She looked shocked I would have to even question her. "Your birthday party of course! We are going to that new club down the street. It's supposed to be posh but crazy! I've invited all the girls and maybe Dustin will finally relax for an evening." Claire giggled and took another long sip of her coffee. Despite being friends since I moved here at eighteen, she hadn't figured out that the club wasn't really my scene.

"Girl, I'm turning twenty five, I'm engaged, and haven't ever really enjoyed going to a club. Neither has Dustin which is why you think he's so uptight and boring. I'm also pretty sure I no longer fit into the age category of wearing something slutty." I countered back, trying to politely refuse. But of course Claire was having nothing of the sort, and after thirty minutes and finishing our salads, I reluctantly agreed to go.

Claire and I shared a hug before she returned to work and I pulled out my tablet, clipped on a travel keyboard and resumed writing. Having nothing left in my head to add to the dream, I returned to the expectant novel despite the ache that was pulling in my bones. It was like a cry to dig harder, deeper, to learn more of this mysterious world that my head had made so realistic that it haunted my nightmares.

As the sun dipped down low, street lights flickering back on, I finally put away my tablet and began the walk back towards the apartment. I had added maybe ten words to the novel in total, plagued by the images from the dream and the hatred for a character I didn't even know. A mysterious King that must have betrayed his kingdom.

Dustin was waiting already at home, a nice candlelight dinner prepared for me. Exactly how I would rather spend my birthday. He had spread out a white tablecloth over our small dining table that sat off to the left and two tall candles were burning. Some red wine and several exquisite dishes were prepared and ready to eat. He was dressed in some nice navy slacks and a gray button up, his hair expertly gelled to its perfect spot.

"Hi sweetheart." He said and smiled at me before quickly coming to the door and giving me a small kiss on the cheek. "I wish we could celebrate like this tomorrow, but seeing as Claire took some fancy initiative to create a party at this new club for you, I figured we could celebrate your birthday, our way tonight."

I smiled softly, the simplicity and routine of our relationship brought me comfort. "This is exactly what I wanted." I replied and placed my hand in his as we made our way towards the table. I sat down across from him as he poured me a glass of wine and then we talked the night away. Well, he talked and I listened. He talked about work, his new business partner, his family that was coming to visit in a few weeks, and about wedding plans that I still hadn't started on.

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