Chapter 1

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"It's going to be okay"

The weather is warmer today and I am so thankful because I spent 8 hours in the car yesterday, straight away after getting off from a plane on a very hot day. Today is an important day and I have a feeling it is going to be a good day. The weather as a starter, already makes me feel wonderful and waking up breathing a clean fresh air in this small, full of historical architectures town ease my feeling more, realizing that I am really far away from a place that I used to call home.

'How's the mushroom soup?' Adam asks, while slurping his coffee. The strong smell of the coffee hits my nose but I don't mind. I love the smell but definitely not the taste.

'It's fine. Not so bad. You want to try?' I offer. The taste is really not so bad, I mean it taste like a plain water with a mushroom but overall, it is still acceptable.

'Nahh, I'm good,' he refuse immediately. 'So how do you feel today? Now?' he asks the important question with his concern tone. For me, it is an important question considering my situation most of the time before this were not so good. But starts from today, I wish he can ask me with an ease.

'Good. No, actually great. I'm excited to start a new life here,' I try to sound as excited as I feel. This is something totally different that I had before, so it's actually the mix of feeling excited and at the same time, worry. But I want to push away the negative thought and feelings.

Adam looks at me, searching for any possibility that I lie. I'm not good at lying but I always lie before, told him that I'm okay but actually I was far more than okay and he still figured it out.

'Okay' he said after a while, giving up searching for the expression that he can't find in me today.
'So your transfer form is with me here,' he mumbles alone while picking up his briefcase beside the table and check on the documents in a thick envelop inside it.

After making sure everything is ready, he checks us out from the hotel and we make our way to the school that stand beautifully on top of the hill. We can see the school from the town. It's huge and just like the other buildings in this town, the school is also a historical building. An old castle, Adam said and I spent the entire evening yesterday reading about it. It was built in 1985 by a young king and her wife who both love kids. There was a part in the castle that always open for all the kids in the town to play together. When both of them died,  his cousin took over and change everything. After that, no more happy kids running around and laughing happily in the castle. Well, now it is a boarding school full with a high school teenagers. Not kids, but still not adults. At least the king and his wife can smile knowing that their beloved home still serves its purpose.

It takes almost half an hour drive to go all the way up to the hill. The view is breath taking and I can't take my eyes off from it. There are also a lot of other cars going up, probably having the same reason as us.

'Here we are,' Adam finally drive through the main huge gate and we both being greeted by a large parking lot where a few cars already take their spot. Here and there students together with their parents carrying their stuffs into the building which is the students dorm.

'Welcome to Arthur High School,' Adam said after he finds the nearest parking spot to the entrance.

I reply him with a smile while unbuckling my seat belt. Now I'm scared, nervous and start to overthink. What if the school doesn't suit me? What if no one like me? What if I get bullied? What if they know about me and decided to make my aunt gets involve? It's impossible for my aunt to get information about me unless from Adam, so the chances for her to find me here is 0.01%.

I shake my head harder than I intend to, to shoo away all the negative thoughts. No negativity today please. Just positivity.

Adam is unloading my stuffs from the car trunk after he told me that he will gives me some time to calm down. I don't have much stuffs. But we still need to take a second trip to empty the trunk.

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