Chapter 1 Shu

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Who would have thought that the great sorcerer Shu Yamino could be so careless to put one of  his potions in the fridge.  He should have expected someone to take it in the Luxiem household.

Of course it was Mysta who took the potion. He saw the special bottle and thought it was a bottle of wine for him. A gift for getting four-hundred thousand followers on twitter.

Mysta being Mysta did not confirm his theory and drank the whole bottle not knowing what he was really drinking. When he finished the bottle he put it on his desk to remember the "gift" he had "received".

Scene Change

Shu had woken up from his nap he had taken. "Who thought that potion would be so hard to make".  After stretching and actually waking up he went to retrieve his potion.

But when Shu opened the fridge he saw that it wasn't there. Only four things went through his mind. "What the fu-" "where is it" "Vox is going to be pissed" "Eyyyyy".

Shu instantly checked again to see if his calculated eyes had missed anything. They didn't, his never betrayed him. He went to his room to see if he had forgot to put the mixture of items in the fridge. He checked his room countless times and did not find it.

"I know I put the potion in the fridge, unless I never made the potion. No I definitely did. Someone took the potion, but who".

Shu's first thought went to Vox because the potion was made for him and his beloved but soon thought otherwise. Shu knew Vox wouldn't take something he didn't understand, without making sure his Ike would be safe.

Ike wouldn't take a thing that isn't his, he's to kind. There would be absolutely no chance that Ike took the mixture.

Luca couldn't have done it as he was currently on his way back from a "business trip". We all really know what Luca does.

That left only one person. The Detective of Luxiem. (or the Kitchen Burner) The one and only Mysta Rias.

Shu made his way to Mysta's room to see if his assumption was correct. But when he got their he saw something he did not expect. Mysta was leaning on his bed, cheeks flushed and hair out of place.

The next thing Shu saw was right next to Mysta's setup, a bottle. The same exact bottle he used to make his potion.

"Mysta did you drink that bottle over there". Shu said pointing at the bottle, his bottle. When Mysta didn't respond Shu walked over to Mysta and put his hands on Mysta's shoulders. Only then did he realize how messed up Mysta is. Mysta is sweating, cheeks flushed, tears in his eyes.

"Mysta did you dri-" Shu was interrupted by Mysta kissing him. Shu pushed Mysta away and got control of his thoughts. "Fuck he definitely drank that potion, shit I can't just leave him like this."

While Shu was thinking of what he should do Mysta went back for round two. Mysta was much faster in this state than Shu thought he could be. Mysta tackled Shu and crashed his lips on Shu's own. After three seconds Shu started to push Mysta away but he didn't need to as Mysta arched his back and started crying out in pain.

Out of Mysta's head came two fox ears and out of his back came a fox tail . "Well this isn't suppose to happen" Shu thought. After that cry of pain Mysta went right back to assaulting Shu's lips again.

Shu finally regained control of his body and flipped Mysta on his back while grabbing both of  Mysta's arms.

While Shu had control he could actually think, or so he thought as Mysta was under him grinding into Shu the best he could to feel any friction he could get. "Ahhh" Shu didn't even realize he made that sound until Mysta Moaned. Shu only had two options here tie Mysta up until the potions affects wear off or help Mysta out and have no one find out about this.

Mysta in heatDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora