[Era of Old Demonity] Part 38: Snake Around the Heart (4)

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The past serves as a teacher, offering us valuable insights and wisdom to navigate the present and future. It allows us to learn from our past errors, to appreciate the moments of happiness, and to adapt our behavior for a better tomorrow. Yet, it is essential to strike a balance between dwelling in the past and being anchored in the present, for dwelling too much on the past may hinder our progress.

The God Demon Powers shimmer in space, their spherical forms a tapestry of mystery. On their surface, patterns of three half-moons emerge, alight with hues that dance in celestial patterns. These carvings are no mere happenstance; the patterns mirror demons' emotions when they become God Demons, where red, blue, and green hues ignite the core feelings of anger, sadness, and fear.

In fleeting moments, these ancient stones reveal more. Five colors awaken, adding yellow and orange to the powers, indicating the emotions of love and joy respectively. Yet, legends whisper of those rare few who've unlocked a sixth half-moon, an elusive symbol hinting at a realm beyond comprehension.

Five days had passed since their last encounter. Ryn and Ruyx tirelessly worked on their device, hoping to harness its potential to detect powerful auras from the vast expanse beyond.

In the midst of their labor, Ether burst through the laboratory doors, urgency etched on his face. "You guys! I must depart immediately!"

Startled, Ryn jumped in his seat and let out a sigh. "Katayama, can't you be... a little more-" His words were interrupted by a loud yawn.

Frustration consumed Ether as he struck a nearby wall with his fist. "There's a problem within the Dyson sphere itself. As scientists, they are struggling to overcome it!" 

Ruyx's drink spilled from his trembling hand. "What?! Something's gone wrong?"

"That's right! If the worst were to happen, the consequences would be catastrophic. Ninety thousand scientists, as well as this entire planet, could face devastation," Ether explained grimly.

Ryn rolled his eyes dismissively. "Ninety thousand scientists unable to handle a problem within their own sphere? They should have been held accountable by the law."

Determined and prepared, Ether retrieved his specially designed heat-resistant clothing from his room. "I will be fine. I must leave now!"

With a sense of urgency, he swiftly donned the protective gear and departed from the laboratory, leaving his companions behind to contemplate the gravity of the situation.

Planet Kodona, nestled in the far reaches of the cosmos, held an air of intrigue and darkness that set it apart from any other celestial body. It was renowned as the intellectual hub of the universe, a world of brilliant minds driven by insatiable curiosity. However, the pursuit of knowledge on Kodona ventured far beyond conventional boundaries, delving into forbidden realms that sent shivers down the spines of even the most audacious explorers.

The planet's research facilities, shrouded in secrecy and hidden deep within its sprawling metropolises, housed an abundance of enigmatic artifacts and cosmic anomalies. The halls echoed with the whispers of countless experiments, each aimed at unraveling the mysteries of the universe and pushing the boundaries of scientific understanding. Forbidden knowledge whispered through the corridors, tempting those who dared to venture too close.

The planet's research endeavors reached far beyond the boundaries of known space. They probed the depths of black holes, communed with celestial beings—demons—and even toyed with the fabric of time itself. But with each discovery, a foreboding presence loomed, a sense that some knowledge was not meant to be uncovered, that some truths were best left obscured in the depths of the universe.

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