02 | Childish Heart

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I have met alot of people who might not like my presence but Elias is one of a kind. He actually shows that he isn't fond of my presence compared to other people who never tell me that, they don't like my presence.

And that makes me even more angry.

Elias is a dead man. Hope he has already had a farewell with this friends and family because he isn't going home today.

I'll seriously kill him.

I silently scream again tired of climbing these stairs to reach the third floor, I've never been this frustrated in my life.

When I finally make it, I see Elias with reading glasses on and read a book, I have no idea what it's about and I don't even care. I don't like reading and I never will. It's pretty surprising how I manage to pass every year.

"You motherfucker!" I scream at him.

"What's wrong?" he looks confused as if he hadn't just made me clean for 3 fucking hours.

"You lied to me! Mr. Graham never told you to ask me to clean this entire building."

"Yeah, I know."

"That's it? Where is my fucking apology."

"I don't think there is a need for an apology."

"There surely is, my back and leg fucking hurts cleaning for 3 hours straight when I wasn't even meant to do it."

"Tan jodidamente linda." he grins a little
(so fucking cute.)

"What the heck does that mean!"

"It's Spanish, I took Spanish class when I was younger."

"Oh, I don't really care about what you did when you were younger."

"Sigues siendo la misma."
(You're still the same.)

"Can you stop talking to me in a foreign language that I don't understand and tell me why you did that."

"To teach you a lesson."

"Lesson about?" I arch a brow.

"To not mess with me."

"I never messed with you."

"Not now, but before."

"What are you talking about?" I huff

"Deberías sonreír más a menudo, cariño." he smirks
(you should smile more often, honey.)

"What did I tell you about not talking to me in a foreign language."

"What made you think I would listen to you."

"Fuck you!" I roll my eyes before walking away.

Time to teach this guy a lesson. I found tear gas in my chemistry lab the last time I've been in it. I had it in my bag ever since. When I'm leaving I set out the gas and lock the door from the outside, I'm pretty sure the windows are locked too as it's a rule to close it once it's late in the evening. I saw it in the bulletin board when I walked in the entrance.

Giving him a taste of his own medicine.


I see smoke making it's way from the door. I know who did it, it was Sienna. I could open the window and let the gas out, but if she wants me to go through the kind of pain she went through I will gladly accept it. I'm no coward running away from problems.

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