Buck Teeth

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Buck Teeth




 Your front teeth (top and bottom) are constantly growing, like a guinea pig's teeth. 

They're unnaturally hard, so you can bite through almost anything.


You can bite through anything. 

All of your teeth are very durable.


You have to constantly be chewing on things or else your teeth grow too long. 

It can affect your appearance so depending on your choices, you look like a dork. 

You also have to be careful and take good care of your teeth, else they get overgrown and you have problems.

Training ideas: 

 Chew different materials. 

See how fast you can go. 

Increase your mouth's durability so you can eat weird things without hurting yourself.


Inspired by my beloved guinea pigs, Shadow and Pepper (shush I was 8 when I named them)

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