Chapter 23

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I felt myself shake as I looked up at the shocked looks of Saw's group. "Sithspit!" Of of the human members said as he stepped out. "The brass won't be okay with this!"

Saw clenched his fist and slammed it into the wall, turning away from me and making me flinch. I knew nothing that would help, nothing of any consequence. All that knowledge was gone. She was gone. Yet, looking at Spinka's peaceful face, I knew she was finally free of all of it.

I didnt have time to dwell as the same Zabrack woman was back, pulling me out of the cell by my hair. There was desperation in her face that was terrifying. "Please, I don't know anything." I pleaded. It was at this time that an alarm sounded in the background.

"Well, maybe this is your lucky day." Saw said with a sly smile. "The brass is early."

They had underestimated me; stripping Spinka of her weapons had been, to their credit, the wise move. But in haste, I had her dagger. If the time came, I knew I'd be ready. She had trained me, so, as I stayed on the floor, next to Spinka's body, I didnt know what to expect.

What I didnt expect was the well-dressed figure of Mon Mothma. Her eyes were wide and mouth agape as she looked to what was before her.


"I don't even know what to say," Mothma said as he looked at Spinka and me, her voice shaking as she spoke.

"Well, she's Imperial...."

"As if that is an excuse?" Mothma spat back. "Get out!" She added as she looked at Saw Gerrera eye to eye. Then turning to me, "Are you okay?"

"How can you even ask that? This..." I couldn't even speak. I don't think Mothma could either.

"What's going on?" Looking up, I saw the ashen face of Senator Organa. He saw. "What happened, Commander San Tekka?"

I told them everything from the ambush we had walked into to Spinka's torture. The look on Senator Mothma's face was one of horror. I hadn't been sure if this was her plan, but the look in her eyes told me it wasnt. "Nothing I say will fix this ... mess," Mothma remarked once I finished. "I wanted to meet with her. To work with her. Not this."

"You willingly work with him?" I asked, alluding to Gerrera.

"There isn't many of us. Trust me what I say; he isn't our first choice."

Standing, I looked the Chandrillan Senator eye to eye. "This is no different to the Empire. An Empire I struggle to be in. She had so much to give you, so you sent him. A man who doesn't understand limits. I can't side with you if this is the rebellion."

Mon Mothma looked defeated with a slight nod, something I had never seen on the senate holovids. Then, she left, leaving me with the very quiet Senator Organa.

"We can organise a funeral pyre."

"No," I replied. "I have specific instruction in the event of Spinka's death. From the Emperor himself."

With a slight nod. He looked back at me. "How can I help?"

Forbidden Hero: A Star Wars TragedyWhere stories live. Discover now