The Beginning ( background to the real story)

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The Realmfather woke with a grunt and looked around into the void of nothingness. He sighed heavily as he began to create the first 2 actual living beings. They were his 2 children; Drent, the goddess of life and earth ( the planets and everything else had just been created), and the Realmfather's other child, Druefien, the god of ruin and destruction. 

Now the Realmfather loved his children, but he favored his child Drent more than Druefien. He loved her and gave her anything she could think of; 

Spirits of the earth, known as borgias ( goat-men), Frewpers ( spirits of nature), and Wuctreas ( Ocean spirits). 

Druefien was jealous of his sister drent, and he decided to have her trapped away, so his father could never find her, and he would only be able to see and love Druefien only. 

So one night as drent was wandering around the earth as a fair maiden, her brother came to her. He showed her a creation of his, a small box, with shiny jewels inside, all held together on a curve-shaped silver band. Drent was amazed, and begged her brother for it. He gave it to her,  but just as Drent put the beautiful creation on her head, her eyes became white as pearls, and her body fell to the floor. Her body sunk down into the earth, where she lays there until today. Druefin had given Drent the first ever crown. 

Now, Drent had children of hers ( I don't know how, so don't ask me) and before she became the earth-earth, she named them; 

1. Dezona - goddess of Joy 2. Demona - goddess of Beauty 3. Wershou - god of power 4. Bregue - god of storms 5. Stubrana - goddess of memory 6. Regbry - goddess of law

After Drent became the earth-earth, her children were frightened that Druefirn would hurt them. They all fled around the earth. Druefien actually searched for them. He was some-what lucky. He traveled around somewhere in Asia now, when he spotted a beautiful maiden goddess sitting near a small stream. He was dumb-struck with love, so he sneaked around to the back of the maiden. Then he pounced and grabbed her. She wasn't given a chance to scream of do anything at all, which was what Druefien wanted. He " abducted her" and then ran for it when he heard his father's calls for him. The girl was left there, and her name was Demona. 

Now Druefien was running around, because the Realmfather had finally heard about what Druefien had did to his sister Drent, and her child Demona. Of course he was furious with him, and he finally got a grasp of his son, he threw him right into a giant pit at the end of the world. 

As druefien went around in the pit ( it was actually a living place with mountains of blood red), he created beings of his calling. He created a race of beings called trolls and from trolls came Goblins. He also made a race called death-creatures, which were known for eating the body and soul of anything living ( but not Druefien). 

Now while Druefien was in the pit, the poor girl Demona had given birth to 3 children;

1. A son named Rechrecan - a man born with the torso and up of a man, but below was a bull's body. He also had 2 giant horns on the top of his head. 

2. A daughter named Feindraha - the goddess of Danger and peace, who hated the way she was born, so she planed revenge on her father. 

3. Another son named Demono. He looked somewhat like a Goblin, but he was smaller, and more bony. He was also red and black, whiles Goblins were green or blue. His eyes were red as well. 

Now he was completely different than his sister and brother( they hated their father), because he wanted to be just like him. Just to prove himself, one day he went near the end of the world, and saw the pit. He jumped in, and landed into the pit with his father. He told Druefien everything, and Druefien made him his general. Soon Demono would start a whole new race, called Demons.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2022 ⏰

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