☆ walking home ☆

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You guys keep talking as the rain gets heavier, "ugh why dose it have to get this bad!" Adrian exclaims "I don't know, maybe mother nature really dose want us to kiss" you joke around, adrian look at you. His dumb green eyes behind his glasses, his light freakles, his cute smile, makes you actually want to kiss him. "Yeah maybe.." adrian says. You look at him knowing he did want to kiss you.
You stop him and kiss him. The rain now hitting your face because he dropped the umbrella, "holy shit your a good kisser" He says, you laugh "I know" you say sarcastically, you guys keep walking until you get to his house. "Hey would you like to stay with me tonight? Since your house is still farther away and I don't want you to get soaked even more" He says "Sure" you say


You guys get in and you steal some of his clothes, "that shirt looks nice on you" He says, you laugh and get into bed sitting right next to him, he turns on the TV and goes to play one of his favorite shows Fargo, you lay your head on his shoulder and start to drift to sleep as he mumbles things about the show.


You wake up to the sound of thundering, you afraid of it get scared and move a little closer to the now sleeping adrian, "hey are you ok? You sound scared" He asks as he wakes up "yeah, I just heard some thunder" you say as your still shaking. "Hey its fine" He says as he moves closer to you and raps his arms around you "your safe" He wispers

rainy dates | Adrian Chase ˣ male readerTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang