Chapter - 3 We meet some heart reaping monsters

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Percy POV:

I was walking east for about 3 hours now, enveloped in thick and dark fog. I was calling out to everyone but no one was listening to me. Riptide and Grasher (shield) were in my hands. I was looking everywhere well trying too. Suddenly something whooshed past me startling me. It had a breaking dark hissing voice. 

It said "I am a tromára the personification of fright, bow to the elemental dragon or die "

The elemental dragon, that must be Drakeras.

I replied bravely "What makes you think I will accept that"

They laughed and flashed someone in.

I couldn't see properly but it was a girl. She was Annabeth, the tromara was holding her by the throat. I saw red, I was angry, I couldn't do anything. I bowed down just to save Annabeth. The morai laughed and took us to probably the dragon's lair.

Jason POV:

I was walking east for about 3 hours now, nothing was there except darkness. I was calling out to everyone but no one was listening to me. My sparta and spear were in my hands. I was looking everywhere, well I was trying too. Suddenly something whooshed past, me scaring me. It had a breaking dark hissing voice.

It said "I am a tromára the personification of fright, bow to the elemental dragon or die "

The elemental dragon, that must be Drakeras.

I replied "Really..."

They laughed and flashed someone in.

I couldn't see properly but it was a girl. She was Piper, the tromara was holding her by the throat. I saw red, I was angry, I couldn't do anything. I accepted my defeat just for Piper. The morai laughed and took us to probably the dragon's lair.

Leo POV:

I was walking east for about 3 hours now, enveloped in Moisture. I was calling out to everyone but no one was listening to me. My hammer was in my hand. I was looking everywhere well trying too. Suddenly something whooshed past me startling me. It had a breaking dark hissing voice.

It said "I am a tromára the personification of fright, bow to the elemental dragon or die "

The elemental dragon, that must be Drakeras.

I replied bravely "Scram monster"

They laughed and flashed someone in.

I couldn't see properly but it was a girl. She was Calypso, the tromara was holding her by the throat. I saw red, I was angry, I couldn't do anything. I gritted my teeth and said "Ok" just for calypso, I told myself. The morai laughed and took us to probably the dragon's lair.

Nico POV:

I was walking east for about 3 hours now, there was darkness everywhere. I was calling out to everyone but no one was listening to me. My sword and shield were in my hands. I was looking everywhere well trying too. Suddenly something whooshed past me startling me. It had a breaking dark hissing voice. 

It said "I am a tromára the personification of fright, bow to the elemental dragon or die "

The elemental dragon, that must be Drakeras.

I replied bravely "What makes you think I will accept that"

They laughed and flashed someone in.

I couldn't see properly but it was a boy. He was Will, the tromara was holding him by the throat. I saw red, I was angry, I couldn't do anything. I abided by their terms and accepted it. The morai laughed and took me to probably the dragon's lair.

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Mar 28, 2022 ⏰

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