chapter 5: night of knights

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After dead encountered the head tuba knight, he uses the flamethrower he has to melt the head tuba knight, but when the flamethrower broke the head tuba knight only received 70% of the damage, but the others watching melted
Dead: damn flame thrower broke, time to use the sword
Tuba knight: oh so you want a sword fight because of that thrower you broke eh? I don't blame you for that stupidness young man, let us fight to the death!
Dead strikes a first hit, after that the tuba knight throws his sword like a boomerang
Dead: fortunately that miss
???: Its me from earlier
Dead: ok please give flamethrower
???: Alright alright I'll give you that
??? Hands in the flamethrower and dead wins with ease, now the throne room was about 20meters straight so he should be fine
<To be continued>

Tuba Invasion Part 1Where stories live. Discover now