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(Not Teen Titans or Teen Titans GO. The team is the same
and the characters are too, but this is my version of them.)

Komand'r looked down on her little sister, thinking that she could never be more than just a little twerp. She always despised her for ruining her life, even if she knew that Kori was never in the wrong. She had lied to herself, lied about being the best and lied about her sister being the bad guy. It's always been like that, it'll always stay like that.

Blackfire watched her sister fight. Jealousy filled her heart and it hurt, it hurt so badly. She knew that she wasn't going to be as great as her, she was never going to be the golden child. She wished every night, she would be praised and loved the same way that her sister was, the same way that she dreamed of.

She sighed and slowly flew down, landing on the rooftop of a tall building. Behind her was Y/N, a girl who was just eating food while sitting on the ledge of this building. Her mouth was stuffed with it by now.

"Hey flyin' lady, you want some?" Blackfire's head spun around and looked at the stranger. She moved towards her and pulled her by the collar.

"Woah woah woah.. that's a little bit.. okay then." the food fell to the floor. Y/N frowned as she looked at the ground.

"Come on, I haven't even had breakfast yet." she said right before Blackfire slammed her lips onto hers.

"MMPH—" Y/N was taken aback, but slowly became allured and smiled cheekily underneath. She kissed back, holding her head in her hand and roughly grabbing it in her hand.

As soon as she let go, Blackfire jumped back and quickly wiped her lips. Then she glanced at a puzzled Y/N.

"Don't get it mixed up, I don't like you one bit." she huffed.

"Eh? No wayy, who would've guessed?" she sarcastically spoke in response, rolling her eyes and crossing her arms.

Then a long pause came before Y/N broke the silence.

"So, you're an alien?" Y/N asked while looking at Blackfire's figure, enticed by every inch of her.

"A hot one too." she grinned as she leaned on one side and admired her.

"It's Blackfire, my name is Blackfire." she told her in an eloquent and posh accent.

"Nice meeting you, hope to meet you again!" Y/N left behind her fallen food and Blackfire, wondering what she'll eat now.

im not planning on makijg more chapters lmao 💀

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2022 ⏰

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