Chapter One

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They all lied.

My own bestfriend who I thought could be trusted betrayed me. Not only him, I have list of names...

I couldn't stop running. The tears falling down on my cheek won't stop either.. I hate it. I hate this feelings, why is this world so unfair to me?! I ran from the hospital and they didn't even bother stopping me. I want to be mad but I can't... I can't...

I keep running without any direction until someone called my name from distance.. They keep calling my name.

"Win!! Hey Win!!! Stop wait for me!-" it fades after a while.

I stopped and looked around, my teary eyes makes it blurry I can barely see anything.

"huh...? Who is that? Who called my name? Are they going to apologise now?" I wiped my tears away and take a better look on my surroundings thinking those bastards would be there and beg for an apology after all the shits they did.

I was patience all those years. I waited for them to tell the truth but they thought I'm weak and took advantage on me. Pathetic.

3 months ago

"wake up Win!! You're going to be late for God's sake!"

"ugh... can't I just skip today's class?" Win groans while wrapping himself in the blanket
"the bed feels too comfortable right now.." he continues.

"get your ass up right now or I'll smash your car window" putting both of her hands on the waist while smirking.

"go smash it, dad is gonna whoop your ass outta this house" he replied.

"oh??" she grabbed the bat besides his brother's bed "dad is gonna whoop both of us then! You didn't go to university 2 weeks straight, how is he gonna react if I tell him that huh??" Prim never lose in any communication fight, she's just too good at it.

"oh my.. Oh my. Fine I'm awake, you better keep this a secret or you'll regret it" Win take a deep sigh and went straight into the bathroom

"there! It's not even that hard, why are you even trying to fight me" crossing her arms looking straight into his my eyes.

"shut it." I got in the bathroom stomping my feet to show that I'm mad. Ironic isn't it?

"Eat the breakfast I prepared before you go!! I'm going to my school now!!"
Prim shouted infront of the bathroom door where I'm in.

"Mhm.. O.. kayh"

People would've think we both hate each other... Yes we do actually but we still care for each other because we share the same last name and blood. Typical siblings huh? Even though I'm the first born Prim has always acted like she is the oldest. Not blaming her though because I realised how I acted and how childish my personality is.

"Ah I wish I could skip another day." I said while scooping the poridge that Prim made. "I don't even want to take economics. Being the oldest sure sucks, I wish I could take art instead." Thinking about the course my parents told me to take is frustrating but what can I do? My family run a business. No one can escape from it, I don't have any interest in economics type of shit but here I am. 2 years until I graduate feels like forever.

I grabbed the car key and head towards the garage. A tall figured man is standing infront of my house gate. "Who is that? He looks familiar." The tall figured man wave his hand to me with a bright smile. I couldn't see a thing because the sun was behind his head, it makes his face blurry so I decided to walk towards him to get a better view. "OH!" I gasped. It was my bestfriend ..

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2022 ⏰

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