moving forward

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i started my journey after days of thinking. after 2 days of struggle i completed my journey and called the old lady she said to me that the old villa was actually not in Paris it is nearby paris an old town, so i made my mind to go there. it was actually fun to travel on someone else's money. when i reached the adress i was astonished by the view and the quiet breez i felt. the first slip of love for the place touched my soul. there was a young man waiting for me near a iron bridge and asked my name. "so miss i am david Bessie and i am an worker to pick you up." he said gently. "oh, i am marilyn Howard, you can call me mery, anyways what about this old villa? and why is you mrs offering this much large amount of cash to babysit?" "you'll find out soon missy. or mery." i blushed away my face.

i soon realised we are infront of a big mansion where we have been welcomed by thousand types of flowers and trees. the backyard of the mansion is size of a my company i worked for. anyways, I normally chose my regular British accent and politeness, what if the baby don't like the new sitter? i had thousands of questions on my mind. although i was half tired when i entered the big mansion.
"hello miss marilyn Howard. i am martha Jesferella."
an old woman walked off the hall and introduced herself. she dressed elegant and even if she was old she looked perfectly cunning and uncomfortable.

"hey, I'm mery. am from Argentina and i have my papers ready to shift here legally."

"good. let me ask you some questions, how old are you?"

"am twenty five in a month."

"Any old affairs? i mean do you have a child?"

"no, no i don't have any man in my life."

"so, your blood category is ab negetive?"

"uh! yes... probably."

"you are such a suitable person, exactly what i am looking for right now. here come inside I'll show you the rooms and the house."

she started to walk towards the dark halls. god! all of them were dark. we entered the first hall and it was the dining actually and 5 back kitchens and a huge dining table. the big lights were fascinating.

"here it is our kitchen. two of them are eventually closed because of less workers and used for store rooms. you can use the third kitchen for yourself and your food. also you have to follow the first rule which is eat in time or else you have to starve for the day. the time is eight o'clock at morning. three o'clock for lunch and 8 o'clock at night. this is the traditional meal and if you want any other meal you can ask the chefs.

"okay ma'am i accept the rules."

she totally ignored my face and walked off what a rude lady. then we walked off the dining room.

then we walked towards the second hall. which was a way to a library apparently. also the way was narrow but when we entered the biggest library I've ever visualized with my eyes.

"you can visit this for entertainment."
i nodded and we walked hurriedly to outside. she was fast, and i was amused by the speed of her. we then took the upstairs, the stairs were large and elegant, seemed like a royal castle. the old crackling sound of the stairs were horrific, by the way the lady was holding some keys. a made was following us and she ordered to bring more keys. after some minutes.

we headed into a room. which was locked. she said "listen young mistress. there shouldn't be a small mistake In your job. it is really important to maintain the rules i say. you have to bring him food twice a day only, even he screams shouts. also you may leave him after evening. you cannot take him to the garden."

the rules were bit weird but suddenly the maid arrived and handed the keys. she took it and unlocked the door.

"felix! felix where are you son? look whome i bought."
i was completely ready for the child. he'll surely love my charms. maybe he likes night stories. I'm surely prepared.

i was astonished what I'd seen. my hands were so shaky and my eyes opened wide. he wasn't the one who reads night stories or something. he was a completely grown man. he was wearing a elegant black shirt and brown pairs of pajamas. he was so pleasantly charming. even it was wrong but i couldn't stop staring. my boss introduced me and said she had works to do. so she left.

"hello felix! am marilyn Howard!! you can call me mery.."

"listen little brat am not a kind of person who will marry you and get off. please keep your kindness within you. i expect you take your boundaries and follow the rules. act infront of aunt."

"don't be so rude! am not even asking for a autograph. i am the baby sitter and you have to obey my instructions."

"what do you mean? get out."

i silently put the bag down and stood by the door.

"get out huh?"

"i asked you to leave."

i smiled at him and said him what if i take you to garden. obey me.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2022 ⏰

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