What is the best way to treat vaginal boils?

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The majority of vaginal boils can be managed at home without the need for medical intervention. at home , you should do the following:

Apply a warm, moist compress (such as a damp washcloth) to the affected area three to four times a day for three to four days. This aids in drawing the pus to the surface of the boil and encouraging it to drain. Every time you wash your hands, use a fresh washcloth.

Never try to open a boil by squeezing, popping, or cutting it open. This might result in increased pain as well as the spread of the illness.

Dress in loose fitting garments to avoid rubbing and discomfort to the affected area of the skin.

If you are experiencing discomfort, take an over-the-counter pain reliever.

Maintain a clean vaginal area by washing it with soap and water. Hands should be washed before and after coming into contact with the affected region.

After the boil begins to drain, clean it thoroughly and cover it with a loose bandage.

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