- A Mighty Return -

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"Ohhh, I can't believe my two babies are home!" Your mother said reaching her hand back pinch your brother, Dustin in the cheek. Dustin turned to you and gave an un amused look. Your eyes met his without turning your ahead, ignoring his expression, instead reading his green and yellow hat...camp know-where. Your mother let go of his chubby cheek and reached back to her steering wheel, fixing her posture in the drivers seat.

"Aren't you going to pinch my cheek?" You asked a bit confused. Before you left for rehab, it was almost a traditional thing of her to do just about every time she opened her mouth while driving. 

"Well, your getting older and I just thought I shouldn't embarrass you." She replied. You sat up in your seat and squinted your eyes with your mouth open. You knew your mother, and she never would stop "embarrassing" you even if you were on your death bed. Besides, you didn't mind your mom showing affection towards because it was just a parent loving her child... but then it hit you. You left two years ago, and dustin was all she had, besides your cat Mews who you found out was dead in a letter delivered to you once. After your dad died your mom relied heavily on you as the one who would watch Dustin when she went out on dates, you were the one who went shopping, your were the one who made sure those jerks wouldn't chase after Dustin when school got out. But that was all gone after you went to that hell hole with zen gardens.

"You would never embarrass me..." You spoke after a brief moment of awkward silence. Your mother once again fixed her posture and hand placement on the steering wheel. She glanced at you and Dustin through the rear view mirror. 

"Y/n...I want you to make new friends this summer." She spoke as if what you said completely blew over her head.

"There is a really nice mall they recently built." She spoke in a more "girly" voice.

"And I want you spend your time there, go watch a movie, get ice cream, and NO drugs!" She said tensing up a bit. You groaned at the fact she wouldn't let the past go...besides you were clean now.

"Listen to me! No funny business this summer. Alright? I also want you to think about getting a job when summer is over. Relax, you have the next 2 months or so to think." Your mom looked back at the road when she was done talking to you. You gave her a simple nod before noticing Dustin fiddling with his walkie - talkie, turning the incorrect knobs on purpose.

"Hey, we just passed the Hawkins Border....they gang might be able to hear you." You softly spoke to your brother and gave a reassuring smile.

"Ya think?" Dustin looked up at you with sad eyes.

"Of course they would answer! You have been gone for a month, they are going to be ALL over you!" You nudged him in the shoulder, emphasizing the "all". Dustin mediately turned the dial to the right channel. He clicked the button ready to announce the Great and Almighty Dustin had returned to Hawkins, Indiana.

"This is Dustin! Do you copy? OVER!" He spoke with a tone of excitement. He waited a few more moments before repeating himself. He cleared his throat this time.

"THIS is DUSTIN, do YOU copy?? OVER!" He said with more urgency. He tried a few more times, slowly giving up hope.

"THIS IS DUSTIN! DO YOU COPY!? OVER!!!!!" He shouted one last time. He bit his lip with the walkie talkie held close to his ear.

"GOD DAMNIT!" Dustin shouted slamming the walkie talkie's antenna down.

"DUSTY!" Your mother criticized.

"They SHOULD have answered BY NOW!" Dustin looked out of the windshield more and more upset as they got closer to their house. You sat their watching him, fire in his eyes. But maybe this wasn't such a bad thing, if his friends wouldn't respond then possibly the two of you could spend some "Sister, Brother bonding time".... ya know? You guys finally pulled up to the drive way of your house. Your eyes focused on the screen door you once a happy child use to run through and to your red bike. When you enter the house with your back pack, you looked down at the floor. Your body grew cold of the memories...what all went down that fateful night, two years ago. Your ignored...more like refused to let that haunt you. Your eyes darted the room to the couch, very tacky but hey it looked comfy enough to sleep on. You plopped your bag down next to it, and lifted your legs on to the couch. Slowly dozing off...that was of course until you heard screaming form the next room over. You instantly move your head up, hitting it on the lamp that sat next to the couch.

"OW!" You quickly groaned, looking up at the window realizing the naturally lit room was a bit darker. You slept for an hour tops. You jump onto your feet almost falling and dart into the other room where you found your brother spraying some kid in the face with hair spray. Wait..that wasn't some kid. 

"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE?..." You shout, still rubbing your head. All of the kids whip their heads towards you, some familiar, some new.

"Y/n?" Mike questioned. You grew an instant smile on your face. Jeeze, you hadn't seen any of these kids since they were 6th graders...and now they were almost as tall as you. It made you tear up at the fact two years meant you missed a huge part of them growing up. They no longer had soft voices, just deep ones. And they had certainly grown, not in maturity but you assumed they had girl friends to due to the two mystery girls staring at you.

"The one and only.." Your eyes started to water. Mike, Will, and Lucas all ran over to you. Your hands were held up as they embraced you in a group hug. You hesitantly put your arms around them. 

"Im so glad your okay!" Will spoke a bit chocked up. You came to the sudden realization they never knew what became of you that day.

"Y/N THE AMAZING IS BACK EVERYBODY!" Lucas announced proudly as the boys pulled away from the hug.

"Y/n?" Eleven questioned. Max squinted her eyebrows at Lucas for not telling him about you.

"Wow thanks guys." Dustin said sarcastically.

"We made you a sign!" Lucas defended.

"Wait, Wait, Wait! Who is Y/n and why did you guys never bother to mention her to us?" Max sassed. Your smile faded a bit, you didn't know whether if they never heard of you was a good or bad thing...you just played a scenario in your head.

"Oh yeah my sister Y/n, she is a drug addict in rehab. Im excited for you to meet her!"

You cringed at the thought.

"Well uhm-" Lucas started.

"Uhm nothing! She just decided to move back with us, End OF STORY!" Dustin sassed. It made everybody flinch a bit. He snatched his toys and stomped up to his room like an angry toddler.

"Whats his problem?" Max questioned with a tone. You just shrugged as they went up to his room. Was he ashamed of you?...

"Im El." The other girl you didn't even notice that she didn't follow the rest of her friends just said blankly.

"Y/n..." You held your hand out for her to shake, expecting her to be accustomed to it. She looked hesitant but placed her hand in yours. You started the shake.

"Friend?" She asked while looking up at you.

"Sure." You said furrowing your eyebrows. She gave you a soft smile before walking up stairs. Your eyes followed her. You uncrossed your arms as you went back to couch to probably take another snooze. You just weren't ready to enter the room you left two years ago and what memories lay there...hidden.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2022 ⏰

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