Chapter One ~ New plans

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Hi my name is My name is Melody Strife. I have just turned 17 years old and I live in a small town in Florida. One day walking home from school, My mother Sarah Strife pick me up on the side of the street. Halfway home my mother finally speaks up and says, "Melody we have to talk." I looked at her skeptically, "What about?" "We'll hunny you see me and your father have disused it and we think it would be better for use to you know, experience new places." I look at her confused, " what dose that mean??" I ask "it means we are moving to London Melody." I paused, the whole car went silent. I looked at my mother to see that she was dead serious. I didn't want to go to London, not now, not ever. Not after I just made new friends at my new school. I don't want to go to London and start fresh as the new stranger. I wanted to stay right here where I was. The whole car ride home I begged, and pleaded, but my mother would not Cave. Her mind was made up, we were going to London, that just didn't mean I had to like it. That night at dinner everyone sat down in the usual spots at the table, my father also known as Paul Strife set in his usual head place at the table. My mother sitting on his right side as usual, and then me, miserable me sitting on his left. I placed one hand on my dad's hand while he reached for the knife. He looked at me and I gave him my biggest puppy dog face I have ever given him. I grew up being a daddy's girl and my puppy dog face would get him every time... Well so I thought... he looked at me sternly and said "No Melody." "No for what you don't even know what I was going to say." I argued. He glared at me as he took a bite of his ribeye steak prepared medium rare as he likes. "No we are not staying in Florida me and your mother had made a decision we think you would be better off in London." I Slumped down in my seat and fiddled with my mashed potatoes. This was not fair I was being forced to flee the country for no reason whatsoever. I was being forced to leave my friends, Poor Samantha would be devastated if I left her behind. Then it came to me why don't I just stay with my grandma. I could almost feel the lightbulb light up above my head. "what if I stay with grandma? You two go to London have fun. Go on it would be fun!" Both of my parents looked at each other then back at me. "No Melody." They both said sternly in unison. I slapped my hands on the table standing up. "You two never want me to be happy do you?!" I screamed. "Do you really think dragging me all over the country or other countries to be exact is what I want?! I just settled down made new friends. And now you want to take it for me!? I hate you! I fucking hate you!" I dashed from the table and up the stairs. As I ran I heard my father step up from the table, I didn't dare turn back. My eyes got even blurry with every step. Leaving a trail of tears, almost as Hantzel and Gretel left a trail of breadcrumbs so they would lose their way. The only difference is mine to show that I have lost my way, I was drowning in a sea of my own tears. I dashed in the my room and slammed my door behind me, locking it I quickly collapsed on my bed. I felt a tear running down my cheek, then another and then another. Before I knew it it was like the stream on a beautiful spring day or pouring like a river out of my eyes. I could hear my parents mumbling to each other downstairs. I couldn't make out what they were saying, no doubt my mind it was about me. I didn't care anymore obviously I have no choice of my life at all. I rolled over and face the wall, coming face-to-face with my bill Kaulitz poster. His chocolate brown Eyes somewhat comforted me. I reached for my phone which was sitting on my headboard, I am locked in slowly typing in each number. I almost texted Sam and told her about everything that just, and the future that was to come. But then I stop myself thinking how bad it would be to tell her this over text I wanted to wait and tell her over lunch at school tomorrow. that is if I was even going to school tomorrow. Instead I slid my headphones in my phone opened up my beats and started listening to the soothing music of Tokio Hotel. The only ones who seem to get me anymore. Why London? All the places in the world and we have to go to London? What is so special about that place anyway? It's not like any of the people are in different there. Why do we have to move halfway across the world, why can't we just like move a house or two down the road? Thinking about it only made me furious. I cranked up my music swayed my head to the soothing sound of Tokio Hotel. I was not ready to break the news to Samantha, she would be crushed, but apparently I was in a pickle that I couldn't get out of. What fun for me....

"Thank you you guys for reading my first chapter!!! I did not know where it was going or how old is even going to start it... But this is what I've got so far so I hope you like it. I will get the next chapter out for you as soon as possible! Please stay tuned for the next chapter of do I dare love you?! ((((:

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2015 ⏰

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