Chapter One

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                                                          Why does this keep happening? She always wants to move for her satisfaction. Always about her. Never about me. Ethan's Mom yelled from downstairs. "Ethan! Get up, you have school today!" What a way to start this day. "Coming mom!" Ethan got out of bed and got dressed, While walking out the door he grabbed his bag "Bye mom, Have a good day today!" He closed the door and started walking to school. I didn't even get a goodbye back. She's so nice, right? I get it though, She has to stay up all night for work and we have to move everywhere. Can't she just get a new job? I miss all of my friends. Jack, Lukas, Emilia. They were so nice, But now I don't even have a way to contact them. Ethan was so distracted by his thoughts he ran into a group of people. "Watch it, nitwit!" The group of people were the "popular" kids. They bullied everyone, no matter the superiority. "S-Sorry, Nick!" Nick was the leader of the group. He had black hair and usually always wore a long-sleeved shirt with black bell-bottom pants. He has his ears pierced as well. "You better be sorry. You wouldn't want to get another bruise, would you?" Ethan looked to the side as he gathered his things. "Exactly, now hurry up and get out of my sight!" Nick had kicked all of Ethan's things away from him, while Ethan glared at him. This day is getting worse. I just want to go to bed already. Ethan sighed as he gathered the rest of his things and ran off to class. I don't get it. Why does this happen? He seems to be even worse than other days today. It's so exhausting putting up with him. Ethan rested his eyes as the bell rang. Already? He thought to himself. " Ethan. I need to speak to you. " Mrs. White, his teacher, had asked him to do multiple things and he hadn't finished any of them, along with his assignments. "Yes, Mrs. White?" Ethan picked up his things and walked to the front of the class where Mrs. white was sitting. "You still haven't done what I've asked of you, And you didn't even get out a pencil and paper for today's assignment. Are you feeling well? Do I need to call your mother about this?" Ethan shook his head. "No, I'm fine, I'm okay. I've just been, Busy." Mrs. White frowned. "Well, Hurry on, Your next class is waiting for you." Ethan nodded and walked to his next class. Mrs. White always asks this. I never finish my assignments, or even do them. I pull out a piece of paper and pencil then call it good, But I didn't even have enough energy to do that today. Am I okay? "Ethan." Ethan stopped walking and looked up to see nick. "Oh- Uhm, H-Hey nick! D-Do you need something?" Ethan tried to back away but Nick stopped him. "Are you okay? You didn't even move anything, or get anything out in first today..." Ethan nodded and hesitantly walked to his second class. That's so weird...Why did he ask if I'm okay? Does he secretly care? Whatever. I'll just skip the rest of the school day. It's boring. Ethan hid in the bathrooms and waited for school to end. After a few hours went by, Ethan left. While he was walking home he ran into Nick. "Oh, Hey Ethan!" Nick had smiled as Ethan gave a confused look. "Uh, Hey?" "I thought you left early, Where'd you go?" "I was hiding in the bathrooms..." Nick chuckled. "Well, See ya, Ethan!" Nick walked past Ethan and Ethan waved bye. Today has been so weird already... Why is he suddenly being nice? Maybe I'm just going crazy. Right? I must be going crazy to think that Nick, Of all people, is being nice to a worthless trash heap like me. Ethan made it home and went straight to his room, His Mother was washing dishes. "Ethan, How was school today?" "It was fine." Ethan closed his door and dropped his bag. Today has been so tiring...I'm just going to take a quick nap...Ethan flopped onto his bed and closed his eyes, trying to sleep. 


After a few minutes, He woke up on a train. "What the? Where am I...?" Ethan stood up and looked out the window. The entire place was just a void, An empty place. It was blue, with purple. Some stars here and there. Ethan had looked down and realized the train was floating. "W-What the?? What, and how, is this??" A Voice much like Nicks could be heard. "Welcome, Guys, Gals, And Non-Binary Pals! To, Nicholas's Magic Show! We provide a show like this every night, Stay tuned! It shall start in a few minutes, Be prepared to see some tricks we've never shown before!" Ethan looked over and saw Nick in a magician's outfit. It was blue and black, With pastel yellow stars all over it. What the...Why is he dressed like that? Why is he here? When was he a magician?!?! Nick, or Nicholas, Had walked by Ethan. " Ah! Hello Ethan! It's been so long since you've come to my show! The last time I saw you here was when we were toddlers!" That's right..Nick and I used to be friends when we were kids. He's become so cruel now...I wonder what the cause of it was? "I don't remember being here ever...? Where am I?" Nick had frowned a little. " Don't you remember? This is my Magic Train! When we were kids, My father hosted magic shows here while the train was going to the next station, to drop people off. We always would run around chasing each other, Those were the good times, Right?" Nick Smiled, hoping he'd remember. "I thought that's just what we did when we were kids...? I never thought we did that here..." "The show will be starting soon, So be ready!" Nick had waved and walked away from Ethan. This is all so confusing. How did it start from a bad day to a weird one? The lights went out and Ethan started looking around. A spotlight was focusing on the train doors. "Welcome, Ladies and gents! To our Magic Show! Starring, Nicholas Parry!" The doors slid open and Nick came through them, giving everyone a spin. Everybody on the train started clapping. "Thank you, Thank you all!" Nick tipped his hat as the lights were returning to normal. "We may now start once everyone calms down!" The clapping had calmed down. "Well, Shall we start with a beginner trick?" Nick took off his hat and held it in his hand "What could be in here?" Nick had reached down into the hat. "Oh? I got something!" Nick grabbed onto it and pulled it out, A shark had come out. "Oh my! A Shark? Who wants some!?" The crows had been making a ruckus as Nick span the shark around, and it was all on plates landing on everyone's hands. I'm allergic to sharks... Does he have something else? "U-Uhm...Nick..? I'm allergic to sharks.." "No worries! Nothing here can harm you!" Ethan hesitantly took a bite out of it. "Huh...Cool!" Ethan smiled as he started to eat more. "Well! Let's get onto the next trick once everyone's done eating!" Everyone had finished and set their plates aside. "Ethan, My dearest friend, May you help me out with the next trick?" Ethan had thought about it then nodded. "Great!" Nick pulled Ethan off of his seat by his hand. " For this trick, I will make him disappear! " Ethan had looked kind of scared, but when Nick noticed he whispered in his ear "Don't worry, I'm not really! You have to wake up soon anyway," Ethan smiled. "Come back soon, Ok? Well, everyone! As soon as I spin him, He will be gone!" Everyone had started clapping as Nick got ready to spin Ethan. What if this doesn't work..? What if he just wants me gone. Nick had span Ethan before he could say anything, And he woke up back on his bed. 

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