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I tried to sleep but I heard someone ringing on the telephone. I thought it was someone calling so I continued to sleep. But I remembered.. I DIDNT HAVE A TELEPHONE? I panicked and hid everyone under their blankets, including me. The ringing stopped. I took a peek to see if the telephone's still there. The telephone, was on me..? It took me and my classmates to a private beach with a cave. Creepy much. I woke my classmates up and saw flashlights just burried into the ground. My classmates and I went inside the cave. There were bodies rotting. I couldn't count all the bodies.. I looked behind and saw my classmates disappearing. Spooky. I got tired of my classmates disappearing after a while. So I pulled out a stick that I stole from the campus and lit the stick on fire. I saw the telephone again. It brought company. I tried to get close to the telephone but it keeps ringing.! It was no use anyways. I heard a shrill crying in the cave. It was echoing. I had no chance but to help the crying person. I checked it out and got closer to the crying. OH MY GOD? WHAT THE F-? I pinched myself to get out of this dream. I knew it was a dream. If it's not, I don't know what it is then. I woke up. My classmates were gone? I wonder where they gone to.Oh. They just appeared?. I pinched my classmates. Maybe they would wake up? Yea, they woke up. I turned on the light, huh? It's not working.. I looked in my sleeping bag. A dead body.. I looked at my body and saw that I was pale as a vampire. Even my friends. After a while, my dumb brain found out we were ghosts. I went outside to see stuff or explore. I saw a poster on a pole. I checked out the poster, and there was.. MY FACE? It said I was missing. No I wasn't! I'm not missing! My classmates' faces were on posters too. I visited my school, went to my class. Then I saw my teacher gone. It was already 12PM. Our class starts at 10AM. Is my teacher missing too? It can't be he's sick. There would be a sub.. Maybe he's missing. I have to go look for my teacher! I don't want him missing.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2022 ⏰

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