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Two days after Taeyong and Doyoung’s arrival, Jeno, Jaemin, Yuta, and Jaehyun had made it as well. After the kiss, the prince and the assassin began to date, and in years to come they would get married. 

Johnny later moves with Ten to Thailand and Sungchan moves in with Shotaro as their friendship had grown immensely over the months in hiding. The kingdom they lived in before had fallen and is soon run by Taeyong’s returned aunt. Doyoung’s father went missing not too long after they had settled in Chenle’s village. The group lies happily, with only a few bumps along the way.

The prince finally gets to live his life as a normal person who is loved by the people in the village, and Doyoung finally gets to live as someone that isn’t feared and his brother isn’t fearing for. 

Although all of this is just the near future and they will have a long way to go, at this moment they are happy. Just walking hand-in-hand has felt euphoric for the two. 

Doyoung couldn’t be happier, he was glad that he made the passage and visited the prince that one night. He didn’t know what being happy felt like until now, and he never wants this feeling to go away. Taeyong too was happy. And neither were going to let something ruin that, no matter what was to come in the future because they had each other, and nothing could change that. 

They had grown so much over the years and they couldn’t help but think of their petty fights from time to time. The scar was something that Taeyong and Doyoung saw as beautiful as it looked like a rose as if the world knew they were soulmates. Although things would be different if they had been friends to begin with, both felt that they wouldn’t have the same connection they do now without the hardships. 

However, Taeyong always felt that he had one thing to thank when it came to their relationship and never ending ties with each other, and it is none other than,

The sandbox. 



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