chapter 1

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A/N: To anyone who doesn't go to my school this will make no sense whatsoever, as this is a fanfiction of the two characters in our french booklet, but i hope you enjoy this nonetheless! 


Simon is a prisoner, captured in a perfect life. He has everything.. yet nothing at all.

Those closest to him are his jailers, and each time he tried to escape from this wretched life he didn't want, each time he wanted to scream, to run away, to do just one thing he truly wanted, he was held back by shackles that his parents had tied around his wrists the day he was born, chains of guilt that his wife had created out of guilt and responsibilities that he couldn't leave behind.

Simon Briggs longed for freedom. He wanted so desperately to escape from this hell that his family had created, for someone to make a key to the chains that grew heavier each day. Now every night, when he laid next to his wife, the woman he tried so hard to convince himself he married for love when all he could ever feel for her was fear and despair, he dreamed of a knight in shining armor, a hero, a villain, anyone at all to swoop into his life and take him somewhere where he could experience true happiness.


Pierre Picard was not everything that he may appear to be.

In public, he seemed like a free-spirited, rule-breaking rascal. Of course, this was true to a certain extent.. however, the moment his uniform came on, he turned into a whole different person. his usual open laugh turned into a cunning smirk, his eyes started seeing everything around him, and not a single case was left unsolved.

Piccard was a detective, and when he discovered the case of the Briggs family, he knew immediately that he had to solve it.

He had first stumbled upon the case two months ago. The Briggs family usually had immaculate papers (perhaps a little too perfect), however, when things came to their son, things started to get fishy. Simon had appeared at a few parties that his parents held, yet he had never attended school, nor been seen in public places. His marriage was another issue- Picard highly suspected that it was arranged, which was what had hinted him about the situation in the first place. 

The positive thing about the situation was that it finally gave Picard a reason to investigate the rich Briggs family, who had often been under suspicion, yet until the private agency had discovered simons missing marriage papers, they had never had any concrete evidence against the family.

well.. he would have to find a way to get closer to the mysterious son of the Briggs family to investigate. And after a few hours of searching (legally and illegally) he found the perfect solution; a harmless looking application, posted on a private tutor website. It seems like in the next part of the operatiion, he would have to switch professions and step into the shoes of mister Briggs new french teacher.

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