Chapter 5

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The screen lit up and showed a slightly older James Potter with his dark messy curls sprawled out on the floor with a beautiful pitch black curly haired toddler. James tossed her in the air as the little girl squealed in delight at her dada's actions. He brought Ivy into a tight hug and kissed her on her head. "Dada loves you my little Poison Ivy." James whispered.

          "Wuv oo too dada." Ivy snuggled in to her father chest. This made James' heart warm. He was so lucky. He had the perfect family. At that thought his beautiful wife Lily came into the room with Hadrian, or Hades as James likes to call him. He thought it fit well with Poison Ivy. He is also known as Harry by Lily.
          As soon as Ivy and Hadrian noticed each other they both wiggled to get out of their parents arms and ran as fast as their little legs could carry them.
          "Hazzza!!" "Veeee!!" Both toddlers yelled excitedly while hugging each other and toppled to the floor giggling. James and Lily could be seen standing near the doorway in each others arms while they smiled lovingly at their children playing together.

"Aww!" Most of the girls in the hall yelled. "I'm stealing you're children Lily." Her friends said to her but most everyone heard. You could see Harry and surprisingly Ivy blush a little.
"NO! Their mine!" Sirius yelled offended that anyone would think to take his pups. Ivy didn't show it but her heart warmed the slightest at the obvious love coming from her godfather even though we aren't born yet. She tried to keep hold on that feeling of warmth but it vanished soon after. Ivy's face fell and turned blank once again. Harry could always tell when his sister needed him. He could see her struggle to keep the positive feelings but they would slip away from her. He wishes it was him. He wishes that she didn't have to struggle, that he was the one that was suffering. Hopefully these movies will change very thing for the better because he doesn't know how long much longer his sister will be able to live this way.
"They are beautiful babies." Lily whispered not taking her eyes off the screen.

The screen went black then showed another scene at the potter house. The small family was sitting at the dinner table with Remus Lupin and Sirius Black on ether side of their godchildren.
"Oh! Look how cute they are eating spaghetti!" Sirius squeezed. The twins could be seen taking handfuls of spaghetti and stuffing it in their face making a mess. There was sauce all over their face and shirts.
"Really Sirius? You're welcome to be the one to clean up the cuteness." Lily sent him a sweet innocent smile. Sirius look scandalized that she was suggest such a thing. Not noticing little Ivy looking at his pouty face with sad eye that then light up with joy and mischief. No one expected what happened next. Ivy took a good handful of her yummy spaghetti thinking of the perfect way to cheer up Uncle Padfoot.

Everyone in the hall recognized the look in her eyes, it was the same as James Potter when he got a stupid idea, and sat on the edge of their seats in anticipation. They knew that whatever she was going to do was not in Sirius' favor.

           Sirius might not have seen the look on little Ivy's face but Remus saw it and just leaned back in his chair waiting to see the show. Ivy looked back down at her place full of noodles and red sauce and grabbed a fistful of it. She turned her little body towards her godfather and flung the food as hard as she could towards Sirius. Sirius saw something out of the corner of his eye and turned towards his pup to see if she was doing anything cute like she always did in his eyes. Before he could even think about what he is seeing his face and hair are drenched in sauce and noodles. The table goes silent with everyone's mouths hanging open.

          The great hall had also gone silent. No one wanting to interrupt and miss out on Sirius' reaction. Everyone knew he was obsessed with his hair, like most Blacks.

          "Pa'foo cute!" Ivy squealed. "Ike me and Hazza" Everyone at the table started laughing and holding their stomach except for Sirius who was still looking at her with wide betrayed eyes. She saw that he wasn't laughing like everyone else and her bottom lip started to wobble.
          Harry did not like seeing his baby sister sad and he was getting mad at his funny uncle for not laughing like he was supposed to. He quickly picked up a handful of food and flung it at his face and like last time everyone went quiet. They all looked over to Harry and he had a determine look on his face. He pointed sternly at Sirius and said, "Cute!" That was clearly saying agree or die.
         This made everyone one including Sirius to start laughing. It was just too cute. Everyone was so happy and loved their children and honorary niece and nephew and hoped that these easy and joyous moments would last with the war brewing. As the scene was coming to a close you could see Ivy and Harry giving each other messy high fives.

          Everyone was watching the screen and laughing like crazy. Even many of the Slytherins and purebloods had a difficult time keeping their masks up. The Maurders were rolling on the floor with tears in their eyes. The future generation wasn't doing much better. All of them were snickering in someway but the worst was Ivy. She was laughing so hard that she was snorting. Almost at once everyone turned to the angelic tinkling laugh with awe. It was beautiful. It made you feel happy, not many could keep the smile off their face from the sound of it. "His face Hazza! Did you see his face?!" She hugged her big brother and tried to calm her giggles. Harry was looking at his sister with so much love in his eyes. He also had tears in his eyes but instead because he has not heard her laugh, truly laugh, like this in a long time. He squeezed her back when he noticed that the emotions were starting to overwhelm her a little. 

          "Merlin, I'm an awesome brother." He said arrogantly but everyone could tell that he was attempting to turn the attention away from his sister. Ivy was so thankful for her brother. The intense feeling she had been feeling was so overwhelming that she couldn't hold her laugh in if she wanted to. It scared her. Her mind felt happy. That's the only way she knew how to explain it, but as soon as she felt the intense emotion it slipped away and her face became blank once again. Her relatives, friends, and many observant students and staff noticed this with confusion. What was wrong with this girl?

          "I can not figure this girl out for the life of me." Barty, Regulus, Rebastian, and Severus whispered to each other. "I think she has probably suffered the most out of all of them." When Severus said this the three looked at him confused. "What? you haven't noticed? Look at her eyes. They are haunted and tired. They look too old for her age. Also, the way her emotions blank out so fast is...strange." He felt true sadness when he thought about the Potter twins in pain, especially the girl, weird he knows. The four boys didn't say anymore but they were all lost in thought. Unknown to them the older blacks overheard their conversation and they were all coming to the same conclusion. What the hell happened in the future?

          "Oh! My hair! Pups how could you!?" Sirius fake pouted. He also thought it was quite funny even if they did ruin his beautiful hair and he couldn't be upset hearing his goddaughter laugh. Harry ran over to Sirius and ruffled his hair and ran back to hide behind Ivy. She made an are you serious face but you could see the warmth in her eyes. Lily and James were beaming at their kids. They would make sure they would be there for them this time around, they both thought. 

            There was on more flash to the screen and it showed a moving picture of a family of four. The man with dark hair and hazel eyes was holding a little curly haired toddler with bright green eyes. The little girl is cuddled into the older mans chest while one of her tiny hands is reached out holding a little boy with messy black hair and the same green eyes. He was being held by an older women with beautiful deep red hair and the same bright green eyes as well. The older man had an arm around the red head women and they were all smiling and waving at the camera. To the outside world they were the happiest family in the world, and they were, but there was darkness in the world that was coming closer and closer to them. They were scared. They didn't know who to trust and they feared that they didn't have much time. If only they knew.


Ivy Potter and Harry Potter The Twins Who Were Betrayed: Watching the MoviesWhere stories live. Discover now