rider's lullaby

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Adie POV

A: just match my breathing okay? okay well, maybe not since i have asthma b-but you get it...need anything? water? a blanket? want one of my hoodies?

G: *chuckle* s-slow down...besides yanno most of "your" hoodies are mine...can we just stay on the bed for a bit

A: of course

                        If she does it for me all the time, of COURSE i'll do it for her. I kick off my boots and lean her back. We fall back onto the bed

G woah

A: sorry aha

G: did it hurt?

A: nah i mean it's a bed...why? are you okay?-

G: you even lemme finish-

A: oh sorry-

G: did it hurt...when you fell from heaven

A: pffffttt oh God that was terrible 

G: agreed ahaha i swear i'm sober 

A: you're such a fucking dork

G: oh whatever

               I get off her and lay down on my spot on the bed. I lay my head on her chest and she runs her fingers thru my hair. As much as I love it i know she does it cause it comforts her in a way


G: *sigh* fuck my phone

                      She reaches for it but i grab her wrist. I have a feeling it's a message from that bitch who's been fucking with her. Gabbie hasn't really told me what's going on with em...but if it's enough to stress her out to the point of a panic attack then so help me we're not dealing with it right now

A: they can fucking wait

G: but-

A: they. can. fucking. wait.

G: ...

A: why don't you actually tell me bout this ol' bat? i feel like i deserve to know at this point

G: you don't wanna know

                       I get the blanket over us

A: yes i do...you don't have to deal with that bitch and her husband alone...and everything else you kinda just hide shit from me

G: i don't mean to i just...don't want you to worry bout it

A: i worry bout everything...mainly bout you...please talk bout it with me

G: ...okay...yeah okay um well how much do you know?

A: well from what i've gathered one of the neighbors is getting us in your face...i know earlier she came up to you when you were back from work...her AND her husband have been texting you and shit...but not much past that

G: you sure you wanna hear bout it? cause it's kinda a lot

A: i have nothing but time hun

G: aw... you're a great listener yanno that?

                   She kisses my forehead 

A: *blushes* learned from the best...now spill

~~~small time skip~~~

G: a-and so t-that's where it's at and i'm n-not crying outta fear or anything it's j-just like i'm mad and like it's-

A: frustration tears

G: y-yeah

A: *sigh* i'm sorry princess...that people are fucking assholes...you want me to deal with em?

G: no no th-they aren't worth the time

A: okay...but if they keep fucking with you and come up to the house again i ain't holdin back

G: *chuckle* i-ight babe...sure beat their ass

A: hey don't joke bout that...yanno i would

G: *sniff* oh God i have a headache ...i-it's so f-fucking an-annoying like...

                          She tries holding back more tears but it's not working really well

G: i j-just...i-it's...i-

                      I know that feeling...i get it more than anyone

G: i t-think the p-panic attack's starting up a-again-

A: hey hey deep breaths gabs...deep breaths...you're okay...you're okay...everything'll be okay-

G: i t-thought you were bouta start singing again

A: ...well did it help last time

G: ...well...y-yeah

A: do you want me to again?

G: *nods*

A: *clears throat*

                           Alright maybe i can do the whole song it's not that long...

A: i'll stay here thru the darkest night...i will stay...i will fight...with you~

G: *chuckle*...i love you

A: i love you too princess


AN: hey just a ps...so that song let's say that is adie...adie rider's canon voice when singing songs like that

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