Car Crash and Luke

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Y/n's POV

Today is my birthday and so is Adam's. We said that we would both celebrate our 13th birthday with our families and celebrate with each other next weekend. Mom said that we could go to a theme park of my choice even though she hates rides.

We went on the Death coaster ride and a couple of kiddie rides as well. 

Mom felt sick so we went home early!

"That was really fun thank you mom!" I told her

"Sorry for ruining your birthday with my sicknesses!" She replied

"It's fine!" I told her

We were about 10km away from home but then mom started feeling really sick and her hands went numb. She couldn't keep the car in a straight line so we went straight into a large pole. All I really remember is police sirens and air bags exploding! We went to the hospital mom was put straight to the emergency area and so was I. It turns out I had a broken leg and mom got hurt really badly. I was done in no time and had a green cast and crutches. I went over to moms area and the doctors told me some shocking news!

"Your mother won't make it, I'm sorry!" The doctors told me

"No, no it can't be she's the only person I have left!!" I told them crying 

I said goodbye to my mom and couldn't watch them give her the death shot. I crutches walked out of the room into the waiting area crying so hard. Some guy around my age walked up to me.

"Hey why are you crying?" He asked me

"Well, *sniff* my I just found out that my mom will not survive" I told him

Turns out he was also affected by the car crash and he went to my school too he was a year older than me. He was so nice he bought me something from the store. Turns out again that his name is Luke and he is 14. His mom was nice enough to drive me to Adam's house. We rang the doorbell and Adam answered! 

"Hey Y/n, Happy Birth day!" He told me really enthusiastically 

Them he say my puffy red eyes and the random guy next to me

"What happened and who is this and why do you have a cast?" He asked me

"Well mom died in a car crash and I broke my leg in the same car crash and this is Luke he helped me get through it a bit!" I smiled at both of them

"Well that's a nice birthday!" He told me

"Who is this?" Luke asked me

"Oh, this is Adam my boyfriend!" I told him while seeing his happiness go away

2 weeks later

Last week Adam got a part in a big movie and they started filming. The premier is tomorrow and they said partners can come. I went dress shopping with Adam's mom and we got a really pretty dress. (Imagine the dress) 

The movie was called The Mad Murder and His Son and Adam was playing the murderer's son. 

Another chapter done. This is another deep one the next chapter will be the premier. Today I was really busy so I could only post this late. Hope you lien this chapter. If you recommend any chapters just tell me so in the comments!

Thank you for all the READSSSSSS!!!! 


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