How is a human in the ghost world

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"Where am I?", I said while looking at an empty field of flowers and that strange carnival-looking place.

Before I do something stupid I reached into my pocket to look for my phone, but it was in the car. So just like that without thinking Jina just went to take a closer in the carnival(may she live)

As empty that it is, it still felt like someone or thing is here, Jina is a brave bitch so she went in(she wishes she was brave)

So as I walk into the place the first thing I see is a house with smoke coming out of it, it was weird since it was a carnival from the outside but as I look around there was a hotel, store, cinema...

A lot of things that a normal city would have. Jina went back to the house and had the guts to go in the house, lights were on there was a fire in the fireplace.

"Who are you and how is a human in a ghost world?" A strange voice said a ghost world am I dead...

As I turn around the room went dark and my body felt numb.

I opened my eyes and BOOM I was back in the car and next to me was my brother

"Now you're awake" Tyler sounded annoyed, man he was angry but asleep It felt like I was really there 


"Girl you could be a writer yourself!" Elena said, this I why I can't tell them anything without her saying that."Jina can become a writer just like me then."Yunho said Elena keeps on talking and talking while I zone out. Right, when I came back to reality, it was silent but the call was still on. After everything went silent, I heard footsteps.

"I don't know who you are but now you're stuck like this"

After all that, everything went back to normal and Elena is still complaining over something.

The man left me shocked I don't know why but I noticed that I was wearing a bracelet a purple thread-like.

I hung up the phone without saying anything leaving them confused, I ran outside looking for that man but he wasn't even there."Where does a pretty girl like you think you're going?"

I thought it was a drunk person but then BANG BANG that person shot with a gun, right there I ended up in that field of flowers again. In front of me was a person.

(3rd person view)

Jina went to look who it was and if he was alright. Its the man who went to my house

Jina thought, he looks injured.

"Your alive?!?"


That's it for today I forgot to post this one yesterday but okay hope you people like it

good night/day

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