Night of the comet part 2

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Elena: I...I'm sorry for barging in. The door
Damon: You must be Elena. I'm Damon, Stefan's brother
Elena: yeah and this is my little sister Brynn
Damon: nice to meet you Brynn (he said smirking at me)
Elena: wait he didn't tell me he had a brother
Damon: Well, Stefan's not one to brag. Please, come. I'm sure Stefan will be along any second.
Brynn: wow this is your living room
Damon: Living room, parlor, Sotheby's auction. It's a little kitschy for my taste(he then turns his attention to Elena). I see why my brother's so smitten. It's about time. For a while there, I never thought he'd get over the last one. Nearly destroyed him.
Brynn: the last one?
Damon: yeah Katherine his girlfriend? Oh you guys have not had that conversation yet
Elena: nope
Damon: Oops. Well, I'm sure it'll come up now. Or maybe he didn't want to tell you because he didn't want you to think he was on the rebound. We all know how those relationships end.
Brynn: you say it like every relationship is doomed to end
Damon: I'm a fatalist. Hello, Stefan
I turn around and see Stefan standing at the door looking madder than ever
Stefan: Brynn,Elena I didn't know that you two were coming over
Elena: I know I should have called I just...
Damon:Oh, don't be silly. You're welcome any time. Aren't they Stefan? You know, I should break out the family photo albums or some home movies. But...I have to warn you. He wasn't always such a looker.
This causing Elena and Brynn to burst into giggles
Stefan: thank you for stopping by it's nice to see you(he said to us although I couldn't help but notice his attention was divided between me and Damon) - that's weird I think to myself-
Elena- Yeah, we should probably go. It was nice to meet you, Damon.
Damon: Great meeting you, too, Elena. Oh and Brynn it was very lovely seeing you (he said with a wink and a smirk)
[Stefan is blocking our way as he stares at Damon.]
[Stefan moves; letting me and Elena leave.]
Brynn: (whispering) hey are you good
Stefan: yeah yeah I'm fine
(Me and Elena then leave)
Damon: Great gals Whoo. They got spunk. You, on the other hand, look pooped. Did you over-exert yourself today? Let me
Stefan: Someone had to clean up your mess.
Damon: Well, were you successful? Did the powers of persuasion work? Remember, if you don't feed properly, none of those little tricks work right.
Stefan: how long were they here
Damon: Were you worried, Stefan? Scared we may be doomed to repeat the past? Isn't that why you play your little game, "I'm a high school human"?
Stefan: I'm not playing any game
Damon: Of course you are. We both know the closest you'll ever get to humanity is when you rip it open and feed on it
Stefan: What kind of game are you playing, Damon?
Damon: Guess you'll just have to wait and see, won't you?
Time skip

Bonnie: Tonight, night of the comet! Would you like a program?
[She turns to Elena.]
Bonnie:Would you like a program? He didn't call, huh?
Elena: Or text. But I realized we never even exchanged that stuff. We've never gotten to the texting part.
Bonnie: That's an important milestone in any relationship.
Elena: Isn't it? The timing is wrong, anyway
Bonnie: when is it ever right
Elena: I'm not ready Bonnie
Bonnie: who is
Elena: at least I can put myself out there
Bonnie: Is that what you're calling it?
Elena: what do you mean
Bonnie: never mind forget I said anything
(I most just zoned out through the whole conversation)
Mystic falls town square

Caroline: hey I got some candles
Elena: hi hey
Matt: hey
(Matt lights Elena's candle which she uses to light mine)
Elena: thank you
Matt: your welcome
(Elena then goes off to light more peoples candles and I turn around to see Stefan standing behind me with an unlit candle, so I then use my candle to lit it)
Stefan: thank you hi
Brynn: hi
Stefan: You know, that's been traveling across space for thousands of years. All alone.
Brynn: yeah Bonnie says it's a harbinger of evil.
Stefan: I think it's just a ball of...snow and ice, trapped on a path that it can't escape. And once every 145 years, it gets to come home. I'm sorry about yesterday. I wasn't myself.
Brynn: You seem to spend a lot of time apologizing.
Stefan: Well, I have a lot to apologize for. Yesterday, that wasn't about you, ok?
Brynn: You didn't tell me or Elena that you had a brother.
Stefan: We're not close. It's,'s complicated.
Brynn: He told me about your ex. Katherine.
Stefan: what did he say?
Brynn: that she broke your heart
Stefan: that was a long time ago
Brynn: When you lose someone, it stays with you, always reminding you of how easy it is to get hurt.
Stefan: Brynn..
Brynn: It's OK, Stefan. I get it. You have no idea how much I get it. Complicated brother? Check. It's OK. We met, and we talked, and it was epic, but...then the sun came up and reality set in. So...
(I reluctantly blow my candle out and walk away)
Time skip

Matt: She said you found her wandering around.
Stefan: yeah
Matt: so I'm thanks
[after Matt leaves Stefan walks over to Caroline and Bonnie who are seated beside each other at a table]
Stefan: excuse me hi
Bonnie: hi
Stefan: have you guys seen Brynn?
Bonnie: I think she went home with Elena
Stefan: thank you
(Bonnie touches Stefan's hand and has a vision)
Stefan: you ok
Bonnie: What happened to you? That's so rude. I'm sorry. Excuse me.
Caroline: yeah she kind of wigs out it's her thing
Time skip

(Brynn rings on the doorbell and Stefan answers)
Stefan: hi
Brynn: hey
Stefan: would you like to come in
Brynn: the comets actually this way
(She goes out Stefan following)
Brynn: Sorry for barging in. Especially after earlier.
Stefan: No, no. I'm glad you're here. The way we left things...I didn't like it
Brynn: See, the thing is, I got home tonight planning on doing what I always do, write in my diary, like I have been since my mom gave me one when I was 10. It's where I get everything out, everything I'm feeling. It all goes in this little book that I hide on the second shelf behind this really hideous ceramic mermaid. But then I realized that I'd just be writing things that I should probably be telling you.
Stefan: What would you write?
Brynn: I would write..."Dear diary, today I convinced myself it was ok to give up. Don't take risks. Stick with the status quo. No drama, now is just not the time. But my reasons aren't reasons, they're excuses. All I'm doing is hiding from the truth, and the truth is that..." I'm scared, Stefan. I'm scared that if I let myself be happy for even one moment that...the world's just going to come crashing down, and I...don't know if I can survive that.
Stefan: Do you want to know what I would write? "I met a girl. We talked. It was epic. But then the sun came up and reality set in. Well, this is reality. Right here." (Then there was a moment where we were just looking into each others eyes before we embellished each other in a kiss)

Btw this is what Brynn was wearing in this chapter. I will be posting more often but I do have to take frequent breaks because I have to study for school etc.

Love you bye❤️💕

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Love you bye❤️💕

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