Routined Spanking

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A few days had passed since Carly was first spanked. The thought of it still runs through her mind as she still imagines the stinging sensation on her bottom, even days after the soreness had went away.

It was a Sunday afternoon and Carly was finishing running errands in her floral dress, when she got a text from Sam.

Sam: hey, what are you doing tonight?

Carly: nothing, why?

Sam: want to come over for dinner? Talk some things out?

Carly: sure. 6:30 okay?

Sam: sure thing. Bring a hairbrush ;)

This made Carly blush. She remembers reading about how sometimes certain objects like paddles, hairbrushes, and belts are used during a spanking to make them more painful. It seems like she'll be receiving another spanking this evening.

Later that evening, she shows up at Sam's apartment and greeted with a hug. He walks her to the table where he had Chinese takeout set up, and they had general conversation while they ate. She felt kind of relaxed, having her first normal interaction with Sam since her butt whooping.

After dinner, Sam cleaned up the table and they headed to the living room. "So, did you bring your hairbrush like I requested?" Sam asked. Carly nodded and patted her purse to signify it was in there. "Do you know why I asked you to bring it?"

Carly blushes and stutters. "U-uh I-I'm guessing you're going to use it to spank me?"

Sam smiled. "That's right. I think I'm order to properly punish you, some 'implements' will be required. And I think we should do this on a regular basis to keep you in check. What do you think?"

Carly looked at the floor nervously. The thought of her hairbrush being used against her butt made her nervous. But the idea of routined spankings scared her more. "H-how often? Every day? Week? Month?"

"I think every week sounds about right. How about every Sunday you come over for dinner, we'll have a talk, then handle business?"

She nervously nods her head. "That sounds good.... So does that mean I'm going to be spanked now?"

"That's right. Come with me, Carly"

They walk upstairs to Sam's room. She opens her purse and pulls out her blue plastic hairbrush with a large flat back to it. Her hands shook as she held it. "I-I need to make a request to!"

"What is it?"

"We need a safe word! In case the pain is too much for me... How about, 'green'?"

Sam smiled softly. "That's a good safe word. I'll be sure to stop as soon as I hear it."

She sighs as Sam sits on his bed. She feels a little relieved knowing she can set her limit. Sam waves her over and eases her over his lap in a familiar position. He rubs his hand up and down both humps of her buttcheeks over her dress, that she knew would be coming up sooner or later.

"Are you ready, young lady?" Sam smirks at the opportunity to call her that.

"Yes, sir"

Sam begins to spank hard over her dress with his hand. She jolts slightly at each smack, but not yet in tears. This being her second spanking, the initial smack wasn't as impactful as last time, and this led to her feeling more calm at the moment.

Sam continued to rain down swats as Sam continues to twitch and whine a little. He stopped to rest his arm, rubbing it on her back. Carly calms her breathing at the relief of the spanking subsiding. But this break came up short when she felt the bottom of her dress fly up in the air.

Sam folded her floral dress over her waistline on her back, revealing a nice pair of black cotton panties covering her butt, slightly wedged up her crack exposing her pink cheeks. "I thought you're supposed to wear shorts under dresses?" Sam said with a cocky smile, rubbing her butt.

Carly sighed and smirked a little bit. "Not always, I just forgot. I'm just lucky I didn't wear a thong today"

They both chuckle light heartedly as Sam continues to rain swats down on her cheeks. The missing layer of protection makes the sound of the swats echo off the walls louder. Carly begins to squirm more and grunt and whine. These swats were harder than last time, he's not going easy on her anymore.

Her eyes start to get wet as the swats continues for a few moments. She tried to each back to block her butt, which got her arm pinned behind her back.

While spanking her, Sam gave small lectures to Carly, that she answered with "yea sir" and "no sir" as expected.

He stops spanking again. Moment of truth, he thinks to himself, grabbing the waistband of her panties. Carly feels her panties slowing being peeled off her burning ass and let's her tears loose. She feels so belittled and bad having her red bare butt exposed by her best friend.

Sam on the other hand, takes in the wonderful view of his best friends 2 glowing red cheeks. Sam and Carly were never romantically or sexually involved or attracted to each other, but he had always fantasized about the opportunity to see her bare bottom.

Without saying a word, he begins spanking her on her bare butt with his hand, causing her to squirm and cry more. Carly wails out as Sam paints her whole rear end red, from the peak of her crack down to her upper thighs.

After a few moments of spanking, he stops to rub her butt as she cries. He reaches over on the bed and grabs her brush and presses it against her bare behind. This causes Carly to cry out more, not sure what to expect.

"Are you ready for the brush?" Sam asks softly. She nods, not entirely truthfully. He lands the first hard smack with the brush, causing a loud "AHH" to escape from Carly's mouth.

He continues raining hellfire on her bare ass as Carly continues to cry and kick. He spanks her for about 5 minutes straight with the brush before setting it down, rubbing her warm bottom, letting her crying calm down before instructing her to stand in the corner.

She stands in the corner with her hands on her head, the back of her dress folded up to show the aftermath of her punishment, but the front was down to cover her front. She stood there sobbing for 5 minutes before instructed to come back to Sam.

"Hell of a spanking huh?" Sam asks.

She smiles lightly and nods her head. "Thank you. I'll be a good girl this week, I promise"

Sam smiled back and hugged her tightly. She hugs back, feeling his hand slide down to rub her still stinging bottom. After the extended hug, Sam helps Carly pull her panties back on and fix her dress. They lay in bed and talk for a bit until her face is completely dry from tears. She puts her brush back in her purse and walks downstairs with Sam. He gives her another tight hug before letting her leave.

Carly's Spanking Experience Where stories live. Discover now