(Chapter 6) the first successful escape

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The plan was simple enough, get Jake and Logan, and get out of there.

Dex: "can we locate them?"

Data: "it may take awhile, but I should be able to locate them."

Jake knew the others were trying to get them and leave, but many of the prisoners would be arrested again, and all of them were arrested for speaking up against the Milky Way Empire, and besides, the rebellion needed more crew for it's ships, especially the new one.

Just then, a guard fell from a platform to the floor, his comm fell out of his pocket, Jake grabbed it and called the Intrepid.

Jake: "Intrepid, come in."

Dex(over comm): "Intrepid here. Zeus, it's good to hear your voice, Jake."

Jake: "Dex, I need you to beam out all the prisoners."

Dex: "why?"

Jake: "they were arrested for speaking up. plus, we need crew for the new ships."

Dex: "OK, get them to the outer most part of the station, then we can beam you all up. Intrepid, out."

This new plan was risky, but it would be fruitful. New crew, New allies.

Data: "they have made it to the outer most part."

Dex: "beam them up, now!"

Data ran to the transporter and started to beam 8 out, that was the maximum capacity for the transporter. After they materialized and got off the pad, Data beamed another 8 off the station, and then he did it again, until every prisoner was off the station.

Once everyone was off, the Intrepid was out of there.

Dex: "maximum warp, engage!"

The Intrepid shot into warp, leaving a broken prison to fall to the planet below.

Intrepid Rescue (Papa Jake/Star Trek crossover. )Where stories live. Discover now