Chapter One: The Beehive

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Chapter One: The Beehive. (Tubbo's POV)
I woke up to the dazzling sunlight entering my cluttered room through a wooden colonial grid window, the chipped dark oak frame not even comparable to the entrancing sight it revealed during sunrise. The light slowly inched closer to me until it eventually created a direct beam onto my face, which I reacted to with a drowsy groan, knowing this was the universe's way of telling me it was time to awake and tend to the Beehive, my family's inn. I rose from my bed, not bothering to make it, and navigated my messy room, which looked like the after scene of a gnarly hurricane, to somehow find presentable clothes.

I grab my normal working outfit. It is a green top with a few yellow flowers, brown pants, and black shoes. I was going to be helping in the kitchen today then caring for my garden. So, I brushed my hair and teeth with the little amount of things we had and headed down the multiple flights of stairs. I was excited Tommy and Ranboo were going to haing out with me after work! They are often in the search party that goes out and looks for lost people in the woods or other council members.

I got to the bottom floor and headed to the kitchen. Lani was serving the amazing Kasta. She was a legend in my family. She had helped save so many people and helped throughout all the kingdoms! She was here with some of her friends. Oll and Giddeon were there too; they were getting acquainted with them all. Kasta had a grace like me but hers was in killing it was awesome that she was able to find a way to use her grace for good. Hers was so cool like Tommy's and Ranboo's grace Tommy was given speed and Ranboo was given intelligence. I was given two but they honestly count to me as one. I have an amazing ability with foods and cooking and gardening and caring for plants.


" Coming, Mom!!" I yelled back, kind of embarrassed that everyone was staring at me.

I entered the kitchen and began cooking the orders my mom wasn't already working on. I was oiling the pan and making sure to knead the dough to a good and even consistency. I called Lanie and Ragin over to take out some of the food so it didn't get cold. I ran out to the garden to get some greens. It has been a while since someone asked for a salad so I had to get the ingredients. I was excited because I could experiment more with it since they said to surprise them! I got spinach, lettuce, tomato, and avocado from my garden before heading back to the kitchen to get the necessary meats.

The day went by like normal, I even was let out early to go and hang out with my friends! I ran over to our hangout spot, which was a clearing in the forest with a big weeping willow in the center that we had built a little tree house we built within the tree, not just to hangout but in case anyone were to come after us. Once I arrived, I saw them immediately. Tommy was wearing a red top, brown pants and brown shoes, long blond hair he keeps tied back so it doesn't mess with his sight while running. His eyes, one blue and the other a flaming red color, always gave off a playful and mischievous appeal, even in the worst of situations. Then there was Ranboo; tall and lanky, black loose top with a very low neck cut showing some of his chest even though he didn't like it. He had black and white hair, though nobody knows how his hair is two different colors. He always wears a mask too but it compliments him being so smart. He doesn't need people to see his lips. He also has amazing eyes, one an amethyst in moonlight and the other black as obsidian, both absolutely beautiful.

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