Chapter Three: Conversations

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Pov: Tubbo

I added more logs to the fireplace and wrapped Benson in a warm blanket, knowing he must have been traveling for miles in the new Spring cold. Just coming out of winter, the weather hadn't exactly heated up just yet, which is typical for these parts. My eyes met Benson as I let out a shaky breath and a smile.

"It's been a while, old friend." My raspy voice coated with a British accent seemed less whiny this time, for now wasn't the time for my childish behavior.

"It certainly has, I haven't seen you since... you know." Benson looked to the side slightly, messing with the corner of the letter that was lined with a golden border and bright rosy red seal. It was the seal of the King, Dream.

"I'm sorry, Benson. I–" I was cut off by Benson.

"It's fine, really, you did nothing wrong. I've never been mad at you, only missed you throughout the years. We're together now though and that's all that matters." He said as he looked to the others, Ranboo and Tommy, who were sitting on the couch with confused expressions.

"I'm not here just for a friendly reunion though, I'm sure you've already noticed the letter I brought." He extended his arm to hand me the letter.

I took a deep breath, trying to calm myself and be mature about this all. I knew the letter must have been important but to me, what was more important was Benson. I put the letter on the coffee table and lunged myself at Benson, wrapping my arms around him and tearing up. I held him close and tight as I felt him embrace me with his warm, fuzzy hug that I had longed for.

"Pardon me, but may I ask what exactly is happening here?" Ranboo asked politely, his curiosity overcoming him.

I sniffled and didn't let go of Benson, not wanting this moment to end. I couldn't believe I had left Benson all those years ago, my best friend, and never even bothered to go find him again like Benson had for me. I buried my head into Benson's shoulder and gripped him tighter, hiding in the comfort of his arms. How could he show me such kindness when I abandoned him?

"This is, uhm, Benson. My old... best friend." I responded to Ranboo, finding it difficult to get the words out.

"Why'd you never tell us you had a cool duck transforming childhood friend? You owe us some sort of epic origin story from you then, mate." Tommy looked Benson up and down with a chuckle, completely disregarding the emotional and meaningful moment the two had going on.

I worked up the courage to let go of Benson, ashamed of myself, and sat down on the chair next to him, taking another deep breath but not being able to hold back the tears flowing down his cheeks. My emotions were a mixture of pure happiness and excitement, but tainted with a bittersweet feeling of having done that to Benson, only for him to be so forgiving.

One thing was for sure, Benson was the best.

"Well, it all started a long time ago, in our small neighborhood of Yamstren, when we were just little kids..."

End of Chapter 3

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2022 ⏰

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