♡ Pepa ♡

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• Your her sunshine, and she calls you it all the time.

• She was nervous for all you that she liked you the first time, but made a massive rainbow as soon as you said you liked her too;

• However, her rainbow was the biggest it had ever been the day you Proposed.

• Hates fighting with you, and will do litteraly anything to make you happy again, and not mad. Though you two don't fight much.

• Always thinks to herself that she doesn't deserve you, because you are litteraly the nicest person that she has ever met!

• all those lovey dovey scenes in Encanto between Pepa and Felix, that you and Pepa. But 👏🏼every. 👏🏼Single. 👏🏼 Day.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Mar 24, 2022 ⏰

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