Chapter 1: The Past

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                                                                 (3RD POV)

A little girl looks out the window of her Livingroom, she sees the trees sway back and forth ever so slightly and some autumn leafs fall from the branches. She hears footsteps behind coming from the kitchen. She turns around and see her mother who smiles at her and says "What are you looking at sweetie?"

The girl says "The trees, why can't I go to school with my little brothers?"

Her mother says "Sweetie, you have a real power and you have the strength that of a fully trained vampire hunter has. But you need to stay here with me and daddy so we can help you train and learn everything. Your brothers go to school to learn like you but they learn the basics that you already know. Besides you train with your mentor Toga everyday like your brothers."

The little girl says "Oh, can we please go outside? pretty please with sprinkles on top!"

Her mother chuckles and says "Alright but you stay where i can see you when we are out there. You have the protection in case we run into them?"

The girl nod her head and pulls out a small version of her mothers bloody rode gun.

They leave the house and the girl goes and plays in the backyard, Her mom stays backyard porch. While the little girl runs to play outside in the backyard, While the little girl giggle and laughs while playing someone is watching her from behind a tree. The girl runs around and does cartwheels and summersaults and etc.

Her mother hears the phone go off inside, she turns to her daughter. She says "The phone is going off, I'll be right back."

The girl nods her head and plays ball, her mother enters the house and closes the door. The girl kicks the ball a bit to hard sending it flying into the woods. She goes to retrieve it to be met with a boy her age with blonde hair is holding her ball. He smiles gently at her and says "I believe this is yours."

The little girl nods her head and shyly says "Y-Yes, may I please have it back?"

I chuckles and says "Of course here you go."

With that the young boy throws the ball to her not to hard but enough for it to land at her feet. The boy says "My name is Takuma, Takuma Ichijo. What's your name?"

The girl looks hesitant and nervously says "Um M-My name is Y-Y/n Kiryu."

The boy glances at the house and says "You better go your mother will be worried about you."

The girl nods her head, then says "Will I ever see you again?"

The boy says "Yes, but don't tell anyone of me."

The girl nods her head in understanding, the girl leaves then enters the house. After that evening every night they would meet in secret out in the woods near the backyard of the girls house. She would always bring a vampire weapon incase one showed it's self. But thankfully that never happened. They eventually became friends but the boy has not been truthful to her and though he didn't feel right about lying to the girl whom he befriended. He wanted to stay by her side more then anything in the world. 

                                                                  (TIME SKIP)

The little girl now older was talking to the boy in the woods, the boy was distracted and fidgeting with his fingers. The girl curiously says " What's wrong Takuma?"

He bits his lip in worry and says "Y/n do you trust me?"

The girl smiles and says  "Of course why do you ask?"

He says "I haven't been truthful to you Y/n and it kills me that I've been lying to you."

The girl confused by what he is talking about, says " What are you talking about?"

The boy says "Promise you won't hate me."

The girl nods her head and the boy says "I-I'm a vampire, I'm like the creatures that you and your family kill. But I'm different your family kills level E's, which I am not. I am above them unlike them I can control my blood thirst I'm not like my family either. I don't like killing people or taking blood from people, I never have."

The girl stares at the boy that she has known for a few years in shock and a tiny bit of intimidation. She was scared thinking all of these years the boy I have known and befriended is one of the creatures I have been trained to kill. The boy looks at her eyes full of worry hoping she would still except him as her friend. The girl opens her mouth unable to speak a single word, the girl finally able to speak says "What, Why? Why would befriend me a murder to your kind a trained assassin to take down your kind? Why!?"

The boy stood there not sure how to answer, when he first met her it was by acident but that acident turned into the best thing in his life. He finally had someone to talk too someone to listen, someone who didn't judge. But now he was infact speechless.

The girl turns away and rushes back to her house unable to think, How could someone that she has known for years ended up being what she is trained to hunt. When she comes upon her house she sees all the lights off and notices its quite. She hears a scream she gets her bloody rose gun ready. She rushes into the house and in the Livingroom she sees, her mother and father on the floor. Laying in a puddle of their own blood, infont of both of their bodies is a women  she sees ichiru behind her and Zero laying unconscious Infront of the women. Y/n rushes in and shoots the women with the bloody rose the women. 

The vampire advances at her and sends the girl flying into the wall but the girl gets up and starts fighting. The women ends up sending the girl through a window to land out in the snowy winter night. glass shards impaled in her legs and arms. The girl gets up determined to avenge her parents. Y/n is able to shoot the vampire once more but it ends up hitting the vampire near her heart. The vampire has no choice but to retreat, not forgetting to one day get revenge. Y/n limps to the house right when she get to the front door she collapsed on to the hard floor.

                                                     (TOGAS POV)

I was assigned to go to the Kiriyu household and recover Zero and Y/n. The association wants me to bring Zero to Kain cross and for me to keep Y/n and continue training her. I see the household in my sight and see the window to the living room smashed open with shards of glass scattered on the ground along with blood. I see an unconscious figure laying on the ground Infront of the front door. 

I get a closer look and see Y/n she has shards of glass in her arms and some in her legs. I pick her up gently in my arms I open the door and see her parents dead on the floor in a puddle of their own blood. I look around and see Zero unconscious on the floor, I put him over my shoulder and make my way to Kains Cross house.

Once I arrive I knock on the door he opens the door and sees Y/n and Zero in my arms. He says "What happened to them?"

I say "The association contacted me and told me that a pure blood vampire attacked the Kiriyu family. She killed their parents I couldn't find his twin brother but I did find Y/n. From her condition I can tell she put up a fight against the vampire. They want you to keep an eye on Zero and take care of him." I set Zero down on his livingroom couch and I'm about to walk out of the door with Y/n still in my arms. But I get stopped when Kain says "What about Y/n? where will she go?"

I say "Me and the association agreed that I will raise her and train her from here on out, until she is ready."

With that I leave the Cross household and ready to take in Y/n as my own daughter and to train her. 

                       (AUTHOR NOTE)

Word Count; 1,391

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