2: the next morning

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"Hewwo sapdaddy" Corl said homosexualy.
"I just woke up bish" Simpnap replied.


Exactly 2 and a half weeks later, Samsung walked over to Korl and said "why are you gay"

They then broke up.

Sadnap went home. "I'm a terrible person" he said. "Asking why someone's gay is bad."

Killme walked up to Susans house and knocked. "Hellowo, it's me!!!" He said. "I have no where else to go.."

"It's okay sunshinebabyhunnybun" Saltynuts replied. "I also want to say sorry about asking that question. It wasn't cool."

"I forgive you" Kandice said. "Wanna have sex?"

Then they have sex for 69 minutes.

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