Part 2

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"Oh yeah, you're burning up..." Petra spoke the back of her hand placed against the boys forehead.

"I don't feel good..." Logan repeated, groaning as he held his stomach. Petra lightly laughed as she shook her head.

"I told you not to let Eld and Olou talk you into drinking... but no, it was gonna be so fun." Petra sighed, sitting next to the boy. Logan groaned in pain once again.

"You gonna hurl?" Petra asked, quickly moving to get a bucket for the boy to throw up in.

"No, no I'm good. Ugh." Logan spoke, sitting up in the bed as he sighed, putting his head down on his arms.

"Well, you're in no condition to go with us on our expedition..." Petra sighed, rubbing her forehead while she sat down on his bed.

"Levi's gonna be pissed." Logan simply mumbled causing Petra to stifle a laugh and shel her head.

"You really think so? He's more worried about your health then the damn mission. He's the reason I've been coming in here to check on you every five minutes." Petra sighed causing Logan to sigh, running his hand through his hair.

"Well... I guess that's probably for the best. I hate not being there though." Logan mumbled, huffing as he got annoyed.

"Relax, kiddo. We can handle one expedition without you. We'll just have lots less fun." Petra spoke causing Logan to begin to laugh before his coughing cut him off. Petra went to say something before the was a knock on the door, it squeaking open.

"I've heard we've got a sick patient here." Erwin spoke, smiling at the sick boy who's eyes widened at the sight of his commander.

"Commander-" Logan spoke, his coughs cutting him off as he covered his mouth.

"Careful there, Logan, don't push yourself. It'd be a shame to lose the third best soldier in the scouts to an illness." Erwin teased as Logan reeled back, sighing as he felt his throat tense up.

"Well, actually commander. That's not entirely- OW! What the hell, brat?!" Petra shouted, going to rat on her surrogate brother before he kicked her in the side.

"Actually, Miss Ral, if you wouldn't mind I'd like to have a word with my corporal." Erwin spoke causing Petra to nod, sneakily turning around and playfully grimacing at Logan before leaving the two.

"Sick, huh?" Erwin asked, folding his arms over his chest as Logan scratched the back of his neck, nodding.

"Yep, I'm sick... I don't know where it came from. Maybe it's that thing Miche had, stopped up his nose for a week." Logan suggested causing Erwin to shrug, pulling something from his pocket.

"Will you guys be okay...? On the expedition?" Logan mumbled, staring down to his lap. Erwin sighed, walking towards the boy and putting his hand on the boys head, like he'd done multiple times to comfort him.

"We'll be fine, son. We've handled these without you before. Focus on yourself and getting better." Erwin stated causing Logan to nod, looking up at the man.

"You better make it back in one piece, old man. Never know when some scared child is going to need a roaring motivational speech." Logan teased before coughing. Erwin smiled at the boy, shaking his head.

"Here, be sure to eat and get rest... take these too." Erwin spoke, fishing out some money and some medicine. Logan nodded, taking it and putting it on his night stand.

"Mk, Thank you, Comman-" Logan spoke causing Erwin to lightly slap the back of the boys head causing him to grunt and grimace at the man.

"It's Erwin for you, kid. I've told you this hundreds of times. You don't call Levi Captain, now do you?" Erwin asked, raising an eyebrow causing Logan to huff and shake his head. Erwin sighed, sitting down on the bed as he looked to the blonde boy.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2022 ⏰

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