Cause and effect

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???? P.O.V

Why does the world have to be so unfair ? Why does he hate me so much? What did I ever do to be hated so much? What did I do to father for him to be so unaccepting to him? All I ever did was love them all.

????:Tell me child do you wish to live.

Michael:Yes please I will do anything so I can be accepted.

????:Even with what the docter has done to you?

Michael crys and is anger by the dark voices words.

Michael: Yes and I will destroy both him and my father.

????:I see then I shall lend you my strength.

Michael:Who are you?

Ti'Long:I am Ti'Long the dragon of truth.I will guide you child. I shall help you become stronger and help you master all your powers now turn to your human form for when you go to earth your sister will look for you.

Michael:Rias,Serzech,Gryfia...I'm coming home soon.


Rias's P.O.V

Rias: Gryfia it's been two years since Micheal died and I can't stop looking. I don't know why but I feel as if he is still alive. I don't know why or how but I must find him ...I must find Onii-san.

Gryfia:I understand I feel the same although I have a child with Serzech I still love Micheal more than anything and Serzech knows that.

Rias:I guess he would understand as he loves Lady Amon the same.

Gryfia:°Sigh°I guess your right.

Certainly, let's continue the story:


Michael, guided by Ti'Long, began his journey to master his powers. As he shifted into his human form, memories of his past flooded his mind—of the lies, the experiments, and the pain he endured. Determined to confront those who betrayed him, Michael set forth on a path of self-discovery and revenge.

Ti'Long: "Embrace the dragon within you, Michael. Let your rage fuel your strength, but do not let it consume your humanity."

Meanwhile, Rias and Gryfia tirelessly searched for any trace of Michael. Their bond with him remained unbroken, an invisible thread connecting their hearts across the realms.

Rias: "I can't give up, Gryfia. I feel it in my soul—he's out there, alive."

Gryfia nodded, her resolve matching Rias's.

Back with Michael, the power of Ti'Long's guidance began to manifest. Michael's eyes glowed with a draconic intensity as he tapped into his various forms, each representing a piece of his complex heritage.

Ti'Long: "You are a fusion of worlds, Michael. Embrace the diversity within you, for it is your strength."

As Michael trained, an ominous presence loomed. The dark forces that experimented on him sensed his growing power and sought to control him for their own nefarious purposes.

The stage was set for a clash between Michael's quest for justice and the shadows of his past. The fate of the Gremory family hung in the balance, and the journey had only just begun.

In the depths of the underworld, Michael's training intensified. Ti'Long pushed him to explore the depths of his demonic, angelic, and draconic forms. Each transformation brought forth a surge of power, and with it, memories of his family and the betrayal he had suffered.

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