Chapter 2

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Ianite's POV
"No can do, lady. The glasses stay," he hissed at me.

I'm so done with his attitude! First, blowing things up, then disrespecting me?!

Who does he think he is? He's respecting a goddess!

"Jordan, I shall repeat myself once more. Willingly give me the glasses right now, and I'll return them later, or I will rip the damned things off of your face," I whispered into his ear.

He looked up at me and smirked.

"Nope. No means no. Get that through your thick head," he said, with a growl.

That's it!

"Jordan! You... You are no longer my champion and a follower of mine! I'm fed up with the way you've been acting!"

I ripped off his glasses quickly, and stormed away, not even bothering to look at him.

If I had turned back, I would've instantly regretted my actions...
Jordan's POV
The Taint quickly left and gave me control back after m'lady said that.

It broke my heart. Couldn't she see that it wasn't really me?

I let the tears run down my face, as I sat there. I was still bound in the ropes Ianite put on me. She put them on me, when the Taint was controlling me, so I wouldn't be able to do anything.

They were digging into my skin, and it was starting to hurt.

I laid down. I wasn't able to call anyone for help. I laid there, thinking about everything that's happened.

First, Jerry dying. Then, Capsize dying. The Taint.

And the worst of all, no longer being Ianite's champion.

I'm such a failure. I can't protect anyone I love, and everything I do is ruined...

I close my eyes, as the sounds of mobs surround me.
Have a cliffhanger XD

And yay! I posted somewhat early! :D
I'm currently in the works of writing the third chapter, too. So, expect to see it soon :P

Hope you all enjoyed! Thank you for all of the votes you guys have left!


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