Chapter 11: Puns at Breakfast in the Morning

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Marinette's P.O.V. The next day, I blinked away the tiredness in my eyes and raised a hand to block out the sunlight from shining down on my eyes. I got out of bed and went over to where I plugged in my phone last night. Looking at the top of my screen, I saw that it was 8:00 am. After opening up my music app, I played my favorites playlist and moved over to my suitcase. I pulled out a pink sundress with a black cardigan. Going to the bathroom next door, I brushed my hair quickly and just left it loose. After applying some mascara and strawberry flavored lipgloss, I slipped on my ballet flats and slung my hip bag over my shoulder. I grabbed my phone and turned off the music and put it into my bag before picking up a sleeping Tikki and gently placed her next to my phone. I grabbed the card to my room and put it in my bag behind my phone and left. As I walked down the hall, I could hear my friends waking up behind their doors. As I wait for the elevator to open, I heard three doors open up. I look behind me to see Alya, Nino, and Adrien coming out of their rooms.

"Hey girl!" "Morning dudette." "Good Morning M'Lady.

"Hey, guys! Good morning!" I greeted, hugging them. I pull them onto the elevator that had conveniently opened.

"How are you, Princess?" Adrien asked, hand on my waist.

"I'm doing great this morning Kitty. How are you?" I responded.

"I'm absolutely purr-fect now that you are by my side," Adrien claimed with a wink. I rolled my eyes, Alya face-palmed, and Nino laughed.

"Seriously, it isn't even lunch and you are already speaking in puns? Why?" I asked him.

"I agree with Mari, why? We haven't even had breakfast!" Alya added.

"I'll have you know, my puns are a-mew-zing!" Adrien exclaimed.

"Yep, I agree. Puns are also my forte!" Nino claimed. Alya and I groaned, and Adrien laughed. The entire elevator ride, Nino and Adrien exchanged puns back and forth. By the time we got to the lobby, Alya and I had our eyes and foreheads hurting from eye rolling and facepalming. Also, our throats hurt from the groaning. Once the elevator doors opened, Alya and I bolted for the breakfast area to get away from the boys. We grabbed our food and left to find a table.

"Those boys are so annoying," Alya claimed.

"Yep. And we decided to date them," I stated. We nodded together.

"Why are we dating them again?" Alya asks.

"I have no clue," I answered before we both burst out in laughter.

"Are mew finally getting our pawsome jokes?" Adrien asked after he took his seat. Alya and I groaned.

"Quit it kitty!" I scolded him. He and Nino just laughed.

"Again, why are we dating them?" Alya repeats. I just shrugged.

"Hey!" They whined. Alya and I choked on our laughter.

"So what are we doing today?" Alya asked.

"Let's ask Ms. Bustier after we finish our breakfast," I suggested. Minutes later (A/N: aka a time skip) we finished our food and threw our trash away before leaving to find Ms. Bustier. We found her at a table eating her breakfast.

"Ms. Bustier? What is the plan for today?" Alya asked.

"Well, this trip is a self serve trip. However, we will have one day where we go to the Great Wall as a class," Ms. Bustier explained, after swallowing the food in her mouth. We nodded and left.

"We should probably plan the day in one of our rooms so we don't take up space down here," Nino suggested.

"Ooh! My room!" I suggested. They nodded and we made our way to the elevator. We pushed the up button and waited for the elevator to get us. When it finally did, Chloe and Sabrina emerged from the elevator.

"Oh good morning Adrikens!" Chloe exclaimed wrapping her arms around his neck.

"Chloe quit it. I am spoken for," Adrien scolded her.

"Are you still with that loser?!" Chloe asked.

"I'm dating Marinette, not a loser," Adrien corrected.

"What does she have that I don't? I am pretty, rich, hot, and popular!" Chloe claimed. Alya and I snorted.

"Chloe, Marinette is way more beautiful than you. Also, I don't care about money or fame. I fell for her, not her status," Adrien explained.

"But Adri-"

"No 'buts' Chloe, now if you'll excuse us, we are headed back upstairs to Marinette's room," Adrien claimed, moving the brat and her minion to the side allowing Alya, Nino, and I to get on the elevator before getting on himself.

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