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"Happy birthday, anak. I transferred an ample amount to your bank account just this morning. Enjoy your day." I sighed heavily as the call from daddy ended.

I look at the multiple designer's bags on my couch. Gifts. Gifts from my mother. Some are from my friends, relatives, siblings from both parents, and my fans.

Yeah, my parents are separated. They've got their own families.

And yes, I am the first born. A product of young impulsive love. A product of shallow love, a puppy love. I am the primrose, an ignored primrose.

My phone rang, I saw Camellia's name on the screen.

"Happy birthday, darling! What's your plans?" Her bubbly voice boomed over the phone. I can clearly hear that she's not alone, in fact, she is outside. Maybe on a lunch date or what.

"Uhm, nothing? Work? I have a photoshoot today."

"Love! It's your birthday! No work today!" She dramatically exclaimed. I guess everybody around her can hear that.

"No work, no pay."

"As if you don't have enough money!" I can really imagine her eyes rolling.

I looked at my watch and it's time for me to go. I have a shoot at 5. The call time is at 1:30 and it's already 12. It will surely took me an hour to arrive at the venue. We are going to catch the sunset at the beach. And I can't really afford to be late.

"Cams, I really have to go. I have a photoshoot. Thanks for the greetings and the gift, I love you." I ended the call immediately.

I look around my living room. Full of gifts. Branded bags, clothes, shoes, and other stuffs. Different kinds of flowers and there are also cakes. But it's just a usual day. Work, work, work. Got no family to celebrate with. Mom is in New York with Syl, my sister. They've got a shopping spree. Dad, well, he's with tita Sylvia in Palawan. Relaxing.

Me? I gotta work. I'm used to it anyway.

Primrose (Blossom Series 3)Where stories live. Discover now