Part 5

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Virgil only lasted an hour before he texted Roman. Roman, at the time, was playing Kingdom Hearts (III) and dropped his controller on his foot. He scrambled to find his phone , almost stubbing his toe in the process.

Virgil: Hey

Roman: Hey!!!

Roman sighed to himself, "Too many exclamation marks Roman..."

Virgil: So... I don't really know how to start this conversation

Roman: Yeah me neither...

Virgil is typing...

Virgil: Why didn't you just tell us ?

Roman: Cuz we didn't know how you would react

Roman: Well

Roman: We knew it wouldn't be good

Virgil: We would've been less pissed if you'd just told us

Virgil: Probably

Roman: Maybe...

Roman: We didn't know what you would do

Roman: And it kinda seems that you aren't sure either

Virgil: Well I mean

Virgil: I want to kill you but like

Virgil: I'm not going to obviously

Virgil: I can't say the same for Janus tho

Roman: Why would Janus want to kill us

Roman: We haven't done anything to you guys

Virgil: Well I mean it's like cats and dogs. Natural enemies and all that bullshit

Virgil: Plus, leeches killed Jan's parents, so...

Virgil: *vampires, sorry

Roman: 😦 *Gasp*

Roman: Shit

Roman: I didn't know

Virgil: Fair enough. We don't normally talk about it.

Virgil: Not really something you talk about, you know?

Virgil: I don't talk about my parents dying either

Roman: Well, it makes sense

Roman: None of us really talk about our own stories

Roman: Do you know if there is anyway we can convince Jan that we're not evil

Virgil: Idk. I mean, you've done enough to piss off a werewolf who's never even met a vamp

Virgil: So it's gonna be pretty fucking hard

Roman: Whoa

Roman: Jesus V, that's not what I'm talking about

(What was he talking about, I wrote this shit and I don't even know what is happening)

(Are we missing a page? I have a vague memory of Roman saying something, an expression of some kind, and Virgil misunderstanding and going mental...)

Virgil: Be more specific, I'm still pissed at you

Roman: I was talking about Remus

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