chapter 7

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Shadow POV

"Amy!! Why in the world did you go and shoot her for?" I yell as I run to the side of the pear "Shadow I had to she was killing so many people..." Amy said not regretting any of it " Well you could have..... WAIT!! Where is Sonic?!?!?!" I started to panic "I don't know I think he jumped over the side of the pear to grab Sally and hit the water!!" Amy said as she ran over to the side of the pear and looked in the water. "SHADOW WAIT!!" But that's all I heard as I hit the water.

Sonic POV

(Sally....) I think as I grab her and we get deeper in the dark water I see crimson and I know Sally has been shot. Then I see it someone is in the water with us but before I could tell who it was everything goes black.

Shadows POV

"Please be ok please please...." I say out loud as I pace the floor scared... Sally died as soon as Amy shot her but sonic he can't swim I was scared he drowned in my arms. "Sonic..." I say again. Then a nurse comes up to me and says sadly "Mr. Shadow I'm sorry but sonic died he drownd before you got him to the surface..." I push past her and run as fast as I can to his room. "No no no NO!! You can't be gone I love you..."

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