Chapter 2

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It was only a few months into the apocalypse. From what the family has heard, quarantine camps have failed, military came in and shot who or whatever they could. And some just got over run.

The family was staying at a gas station. It was getting colder down where they are, and they need to prepare the station for the winter. This was hard to do, the gas station was on a road which is in the middle of no where, so not many places to ransack for supplies. But they go out and look for places to take supplies that they badly need for winter.

The girl and her family head out of the gas station and to go find somewhere to get their food and other materials. As they walked, it felt very long walk. It was a hot day, but they live up north so not very hard for them. The walk was successful, they found a house to ransack.

The place was just a small cabin, windows broken. Sign stating to stay off the property, but the place looked dead. Writing on the walls stated SURIVERS INSIDE. But not much else for the property. All the group hoped for was that they could find some items inside. The almost ten year old girl got handed a stake knife, while her big brother pulled out a pistol with a plastic bottle tapped to it. The bottle is used almost as a silencer for the gun when it shoots. And the mom she also had a pistol. And the family had entered the house.

They had gone inside the place, looking around everywhere for the dead. The siblings working together, mom working on her own. The child and her brother check out the rooms. Mom had checked out the the areas with no doors, kitchen, living area, hallways, and others. Once all the rooms were checked, the family stated to take supplies. When they got all they could carry and need they started to head out.

The little child heard noises coming from somewhere though. She had left her brother and followed the noise. It led her to a door, she knocked on it, no answer. Just a louder groan. She opened the door and it led to stairs. The girl went down and she saw a swinging oil light. A shadow moving around, and when she finally got down there, she saw a woman with her one arm and leg tied to a pipe. Trying to come towards her, trying to grab her and eat her flesh.

There was a sticky note on her chest. It stated "I couldn't do it, got bit by my neighbor and I couldn't kill myself. Didn't even notice the mark until after I blew my neighbor's head off". The little girl felt terrible for her. She brought out her knife and she wanted to do it. Wanted to end this poor lady's suffering. But she couldn't do it, so she walked away.


The girl ran up the stairs, then the something grabbed her. The zombie, it grabbed her. She screamed, she pulled her knife out and fought for her life. But she didn't do it. There was a hole in the head of the walker, but not from her knife. It was from a gun. From behind her brother had throw the body off her and picked her up and left.

The teenage girl, Irene woke up in a fight. Looked over at her family portrait and cried. In this world she is all alone, she is stuck by herself. And it wasn't her fault why she is alone. Even though every day she blames herself.

Not long after her nap she packs up camp. A guy found her last night, its not safe. Irene packs up the cans attached to string, throws it in the cooler, along with the tent. Rolls up her sleeping bag, ties it up and then ties it to the handle of the cooler. The girl also throws the rest into her bagpack, throws it over her back. Next kicks the camp site ground around and the fireplace. After the place looks different, she grabs the cooler and heads North.

This was not the first time she had to move. This teen has had to move multiple times after a few days, wether someone has found her or not, she moves. Always likes to keep a few steps ahead of others. Irene has seen what people are capable of, and she wants to survive as long as she can.

When she travels she tried to get closer to the north. It's colder up there, and from what she hears, its less tot because of the cold. That was the plan, all those years ago. Once all the camps went down in ruins. That was the plan with her family. And it still is the plan, just its only her. All she hopes is that the place isn't also in ruins.

Hours, and hours of walking. Going threw the woods, passing so many trees. No tots which was good, Irene didn't want to run into them. But she stop, just a few rows of tree up ahead she could tell there was a road up ahead. She tries to avoid the road, in case someone drives by. But she has to get North, so this is best.

In that moment, she looks both way. A self conscious act to do in life. And then she runs for it and dashed into the woods. The feeling of relief came over her. But she heard a car coming and she ducked by the trees.

Then the car came and there was a loud noise. A screech. Irene was in trouble. The car was in reverse and the passenger window went down. This wasn't any normal car though. This was a car she knew well. It was her opa's El Camino from 1970s.

The best and worse part, she thought she knew who was driving.

"Hey, come on out!" The person said. "I saw you run over there."

When Irene came around the corner she had her gun out and ready. "Leave me the HELL alone!" She spat at them. "And get out of my opa's car!"

"Come on sweet pea, you even know stick?" The guy scoffed. It was the man from the other night. Jason. "Just get in, I was told to find you."

"B-by who?" She stuttered.

The man lifed his head up and smiled. "Someone who ditched you a long time ago..."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2022 ⏰

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