Behind The Curtains Of Reality

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      Part One: Confusion

You slowly slip into consciousness. Your vision blurs in and out, slipping into and out of darkness. You force your eyes to open, and see a ceiling. The ceiling is a pale cream yellow. Your mind starts to wake up. Where are you? You slowly sit up, ignoring the pains in your side from laying down on the wet, carpeted floor. You gaze around you and see lots of walls, A slightly darker yellow than the ceiling.You become aware of the buzzing filling the air. You tilt your head slightly, then look back up. You see countless fluorescent lights above you, buzzing loudly. You then also become aware of the smell. It smells like a dusty attic, old and abandoned. You slowly get up, wondering why and how you got here. You look down at your pants, and you don't recognize them. Who am I? Everything feels fake.Like a dream, or a simulation of reality. You step forwards, and your knees give out and you fall to the floor with a muffled thump. You wince at the pain but get up anyway, brushing your now slightly wet knees off. You're drowsy, and confused. You stumble forward and look around again.

Part Two: Alone

You don't recognize the room whatsoever. You walk forward and see a doorway with no door. Where am I? Everything is so similar. You decide to walk through the doorway, and you see a black figure slip around the corner. You are startled by this, and don't want to risk anything, so you turn away and walk back where you came. You then look to your right, and see an office looking room. There's a gray, beaten down desk in the center, and that's it. You walk into the door, deciding it looks safe enough. And you cautiously walk up to the desk. The desk is stained with some unknown dark liquid, and there is no chair. Strange. You turn back around only to see the room outside has changed. The doorway that you used to enter is now replaced with the same musty yellow wall. You are surprised, and Stumble into the desk, making a loud noise. Your mind drifts off to the black shadowy figure, and realize how loud that noise really was. You ignore the bad thoughts, and slowly walk behind the desk, and duck in it. You silently pray no one or nothing will find you. As you're squeezing your eyes shut, hoping nothing would find you, a loud howling echoed throughout wherever you are. You cover your mouth with your hand, startled. You squeeze your eyes shut, hoping whatever it was would just go away. After a few agonizing minutes, all that could be heard was the loud buzzing of the fluorescent lights. You opened your eyes, hoping for the best. You gasp, seeing what was in front of you.

Part Three: The library

The once yellow wall was now a spacious lit up room. It looked like a library, but long abandoned. The many shelves scattered around were empty, deserted. It had the same fluorescent lights as where you had previously been. There was an old-fashioned computer sitting on the desk in the center of the room. The real thing that stood out to you though, was the letters, slim and sitting on the flat part of the ceiling. It read, "ThE EnD iS NEar." You stood up, still shocked by the recent events. You realized the desk you had been previously hiding under had vanished. Nice. You looked around the room, and it looked mostly the same. Just a large, empty library. Maybe this was the End? You could have sworn you hadn't been here for that long. Everything felt wrong. Empty and abandoned. And yet... something was there. The fragments of something. On some of the bookshelves, there were small pink and yellow papers. You walked closer, curious. They read; " 50% SALE" You were slightly confused, as there wasn't anything to sell. You looked to your left, and the other paper read; "RUN." Your eyebrows furrowed, but suddenly a burst of confetti fell from the ceiling. You covered your face with your hands, and once it was over, looked up, confused. Then a high pitched kazoo noise sounded throughout the air. You jumped, as this noise was loud and startling. You swiveled your head around again, and this time, saw something new.

Part Four: The balloon

A single red balloon was floating aimlessly around the strange room. The kazoo noise sounded again, this time quieter. You start getting nervous. Why did confetti fall? And why are there odd noises? You slowly walk backwards, away from the confetti and balloon. You turned around, and there in front of you was yet another balloon. This place sure is weird. You looked off into a corner of the room, and saw a wide gray door. You decided to stay away from it for now, because you don't trust random doors anymore. Or desks, for that matter. You walk towards a different corner of the room, more empty bookshelves lining the walls. You wonder where you really are. You glance around, and see a small container of liquid on the floor. You walk towards it. It read "Almond Water." Almond Water? What is that? It seemed to be a foggy, semi clear liquid. Is this safe to drink? You open the lid, and smell it. It smells sweet. You were about to sip it, but then stop yourself. What am I thinking...? I just found some random liquid and now I'm going to drink it?? You put the lid on carefully, and tuck it under your shoulder. Who knows. It may be drinkable. You walk closer to a shelf, and inspect it more thoroughly. There didn't seem to be any signs of books ever being there. You sigh, and walk around some more, hoping to find something, anything useful. You begin to wonder if anyone is here with you. After all, why did a kazoo go off? It seems weird,because someone would have to have blown it.. "Or something." A calm male voice rang out behind you.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2022 ⏰

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