In-Depth Relationship + Connection Analysis

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Below you will find a bit more of an in-depth analysis on Olivia's connections and relationships

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Below you will find a bit more of an in-depth analysis on Olivia's connections and relationships. I will be developing and updating these as I gain more interactions. If you would like your muse to be added, just let me know! The only thing that I ask is we first develop and headcanon if we haven't already.

The Weasley Family

Molly and Arthur Weasley are the parents that Olivia never had. Olivia's mother Amelia was best friends with Molly Weasley, so after her death, Molly swore to herself that she would protect and take care of Amelia's daughter. So she and Arthur would often take Olivia in, whether it was during the holidays when Hogwarts was in session, or times when her father was particularly bad. They even set up one of the extra rooms in the burrow to be permanently hers. Both Arthur and Molly treated her just like she was one of their own children. And Olivia was so grateful to them for that. Though sometimes she felt a bit guilty over it,  often feeling like she was a burden.
Bill and Charlie, though mostly grown and away from the house by the time Liv came round, still saw her as just another one of their siblings.
As did the twins. Olivia loves George and Fred like they are her own brothers. While sometimes they can be a bit irritating with all of their pranks, she loves their sense of fun and adventure. And she always goes to them when she's having a bad day and just needs to smile.
The burrow was her safe place, and the Weasleys were her family

Harry Potter

Olivia met Harry her first day of her first year at Hogwarts.  Olivia had always been a shy girl, so she probably wouldn't have even met Potter if Ron Weasley hadn't introduced himself (and Olivia), first. Though she was glad it worked out. Olivia became fast friends with Harry, and before she knew it, her life was filled with adventures and dangers as she followed the boy through each and every trial, even helping him save the Wizarding world on multiple occasions. Many people assume they're involved romantically, but their friendship is strictly platonic. 
Aside from Ron, Harry is probably the person that Liv trusts most in the world. And she'd do anything for him.

Ronald Weasley

Ron is her number one best friend, hands down. The two have known each other practically from day one, and have been best friends ever since. Olivia was so happy to have Ron when she started at Hogwarts. She didn't know what she would do without the familiar face whom was accepted the same year as her. In fact, they both received their Hogwarts letters on the same day.
Ron is a few months older than Liv, and sometimes she teases him about that. Liv views him as like a brother; they can be very close and loving, but they can also get on each other's nerves, and bicker just like siblings, but she still loves him.

Hermione Granger

Hermione is one of the three closest friends Olivia has. While she doesn't get to spend much time with girls, Olivia loves little moments that she and Hermione can spend together, often times with Ginny as well. Olivia never told anyone, but Hermione was the first girl that Liv ever had a crush on. She fancied the other only for a short time, and she was glad they weren't together romantically because she wouldn't ever want to risk the friendship they have now.
Olivia very strongly believes that you can choose your family, and that family doesn't have to mean blood. Hermione is part of Liv's family, and she wouldn't trade her or anyone else for the world.

Ginny Weasley

Ginny was like the little sister that Olivia never had and always wanted. She adored the younger girl, and was beyond ecstatic when Ginny got her letter to Hogwarts. They spent many night together back at the burrow, staying up late and just talking and giggling. They were mutually protective of each other, always sticking up for one another. Olivia especially loved lending clothes and jewellery to Ginny, helping her with her hair and makeup, etc.

Draco Malfoy

Olivia fully believes that everyone has some bit of good in them. And she likes to apply that to Draco. While she doesn't condone his actions, or agree with his bullying, she feels bad for the boy. Having met his father before (all of which were unpleasant experiences), she could only imagine what the man was like behind closed doors. Olivia, having a strained relationship with her own father, understood what it was like to be treated not so great by a person who's supposed to live you unconditionally.
So she always tries to be nice to Malfoy whenever she can, often giving him the benefit of the doubt. However, that being said, she also isn't afraid to stand up to him when he does something she knows is wrong. Being a Hufflepuff, she cares very deeply about her friends and  family, so she's been known to call Draco out after he bullies Ron or Harry.
But over all, she doesn't hate the Slytherin boy. And she hopes that one day he'll be able to make better decisions and do what's right. And she tries her best to be there for him if and when he does.

Luna Lovegood

Olivia absolutely adores Luna. She has always admired the way that Luna can be herself and not care about what anyone else things. Sometimes Olivia wishes she could be that confident. She sees Luna as a ray of sunshine, and Luna always has a way to make Liv smile. Olivia will always stand up for Luna whenever she hears people laughing or teasing or calling her names, whether Luna is around or not. And she still believes that Luna is one of the kindest people she's ever met.


Thank you so much for reading!! Like I said before, I plan to update this as I continue to develop with people. These relationships are just based off my personal headcanons for my character.
Honestly this took me so long to type out, and I have been developing this character for quite a while now. So thank you so so much for taking the time to read all of this, it means the absolute world to me.
If you could spare some hype on the post below, and share this ti your story, I would love you forever.
And please please please feel free to message me if you're interested in developing and plotting, I would love to interact with anyone!!

Thanks again!
~Olive xx

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2022 ⏰

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