chapter 10 : maybe we can get together again

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(Omfg wow I didn't think this would blow up I did this as a joke but I didn't think people would like it thanks to all of you I know this is small for a Wattpad writer usually they would have 1k or 3k but I'm still thank full even when I didn't have this much when I just had 1 I was still great ful and to reach this much I'm very grateful now on to the story cuz I sound cringe byeeeee<3)

Killua's pov:

After me and y/n watch ponyo y/n would not stop singing the end song tbh it's was kinda cute I wanted to back with them so bad their beautiful/charming (or whatever you prefer) s/c, their soft lips, their h/t (hair type) I loved everything about them it drove me crazy but yet again I was abusive and I don't want to hurt them again l care about their health mentally and physically and emotionally and us getting back together might mess all that up and I don't want that but I crave their forgiveness I'll even change from them I'll block ever girl expect for alluka for them I have to tell them how I feel
"hey y/n can I ask you something?" "Huh oh sure what is it?" Y/n said while climbing on my bed "umm..can we please get back together I miss you I've thinking about what you said and I wouldnt mind if you where a step-parent to Melanie and Yuki" I said with pride praying they would say yes but the just held their head down " much as I would love to be their Step mother/Father our relationship was hella toxic and I love you b-" before they could finish I pulled them in and kissed them my heart jumped with joy a I heard the words i love you I haven't heard them say that to me sense the beginning to the middle of our relationship they didn't struggle like I thought they would they actually kissed me back I felt this turning into a make out session which I did I loved it but I got to carried away and so did she/he we almost stripped each other naked but I knew they weren't ready for that yet and I wouldn't force them to do it with me we pulled away from each other as a string of saliva formed as we pulled away "I'm sorry killua but I love gon as well " my heart sank to my fucking toes "'s alright the-" I got cut off by lips touching mine their lips ugh I loved it but I knew it couldn't last long because when we pulled away again I heard sobbing I looked at y/n but they were crying then I looked at the door chole...."k-killua how could you cheat on me we have kids together and you love them and me well I think to put do" she said while fake crying it was pathetic to be honest I rolled my eyes "mhm I'm sooo sorry but did you even think about how I felt when I walked in on you and some random guy fucking did you now??" Chole was speechless after I said that she just walked out the room y/n was so confused I felt bad for having them experience that "what just happened what is going on in your relationship bro y'all hella weird and y'all got kids anyway maybe we can get back together but we have to set some rules so you cheating on me" y/n was right we have set some type of rules "ok what are the rules ?" " ok imma write it down cus idk how to explain it " y/n grabbed a note pad out of her/his bag and stared writing after a couple minutes of writing they handed the note pad


1# cut all contacts with chole unless if it's about Melanie and Yuki

2# let me meet everyone you meet

Not a rule !!! 3# at least try to enjoy the relationship

4# don't hit on attractive people please

Killua's pov:

"Alright I'm fine with this" I said "alright good now you have to follow these rules tho anyway I'm sleepy so imma walk home" "why you don't need to y/n you can sleep here with me" I said with a soft smile praying she/he will agree with me "nah I'm good I don't trust you rn so imma sleep on the couch" they said despite my begging they didn't listen and slept on the couch anyway " it's going to be a long night" I sighed.

wish i never met you....(killua x y/n )Where stories live. Discover now